Chapter 20 - Beautiful Hands

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As Maggie departed the Inn, Sarah collected her things and went through the doorway to her office When she had closed the door, Demetrius picked up the phone and dialed the number as instructed.

Ronan answered on the first ring "Demetrius?" He asked.

"Yes, Maggie has left the inn for a walk. She's walking down high street toward the river." Demetrius informed Ronan.

"Thank you, Demetrius. That will be all." Ronan said hanging up the phone.

While Ronan was curious to find Maggie, if she continued along her stated path she would pass in front of his estate. He was fairly certain she hadn't seen him or picked up on his presence but he couldn't tell for sure. He waited patiently for her to arrive into his line of vision. Should would have lived at the estate as Emmeline and he was intent on seeing her reaction to his property. This vantage point would allow him to watch her undetected. He could also think through his plan as it was time to see if she had any recollection of him as well.

Time dragged slowly, though it was probably only 15 minutes before he spotted her in the graveyard across the street. He watched as she wandered, stopping occasionally to read a headstone or smell a flower. She also smoothed her hands over various things along the way. Bricks, trees, headstones, church doors, etc. It triggered a memory long forgotten.

Ronan had made it a habit to walk Emmeline back to the Inn after working at the Estate. As they would walk, she would run her hands long the walls and hedges while they talked. It appeared as if she was conducting a beautiful piece of music. "Why do you touch the hedges?" he had asked out of pure curiosity one evening. From the look on her face, he could tell it was a habit she wasn't fully aware of. She immediately pulled her hand to her side.

"Please don't stop on my account. I find it fascinating and wonder why you do it." He stated quickly and saw her hand gradually relax and reach out, though not as boldly as before.

"I don't really know." She stated shyly. "No one has really mentioned anything before."

"I'm not criticizing you." He quickly corrected. "I'm only curious as you seem to touch so many things around you."

They were quiet for a few minutes and he was worried she would feel uncomfortable. She brought her hands in front of her turning them over as if to examine them. "Perhaps it's because I played piano. I enjoyed the feel of the keys as much as I enjoyed the music. I can remember the feel of the keys, the gaps in between, the various tensions in the notes."

"Do you play much anymore?" Ronan asked watching as she touched her thumb to the pads of her fingers. She didn't seem to notice they had stopped walking. She was staring down at her fingers, lost in thought.

"I was fortunate the one of the sisters was a piano teacher. Sr. Callista. She was strict but wonderful and taught me throughout my childhood. With working at the Inn and trying to contribute to the Convent I find I don't have much time for it anymore. Our piano has also gone out of tune and we haven't the funds to repair it." She said with a wistful tone. He turned to her and cupped one hand under hers and started tracing her fingers from tip to palm.

"Emmeline, there is a beautiful instrument in my study. You must promise me you'll find an opportunity to exercise it. It isn't meant as a decoration." He said while continuing to stroke her fingers lightly.

"That's very kind of you but I can't imagine when I'll find the time." Emmeline replied sounding a bit out of breath. Good, Ronan thought to himself. I'm not the only one affected by this touch. He smiled to himself as she politely pulled her hand back. "I appreciate the walk back I'm sure you must be very busy and need to return." She said hastily as she started walking. "It's only a few steps to the Inn, I'll leave you here." She hurried on and eventually slipped inside the front door. He stood there a while longer before turning back toward his estate. He had a lot to think about.

He brought himself back to the present time and was watching Maggie as she tried to find an open door to the church. She tried the side door and then the front, finding both locked. She shrugged and walked away from the church toward his estate. He was now sure if she was Emmeline, she had no memories of the spell or her previous life. The church and the attached convent had been her home. Many of the headstones in the cemetery were the teachers and caretakers in her youth.

As she walked toward his estate, his mind was spiraling with a new set of questions. Would she ever remember? Would she remember the spell? Him? Her previous life? The person sent forward in time was supposed to gain something to turn the tides, a potential to gain an advantage. How would they know what it was if she had no previous knowledge?

He watched her from his lofty vantage point as she exited the church grounds and turned on the path to the river. It was only a moment before his estate would be visible, before she would see her home. He was hoping for some sign, for some acknowledgment no matter how small to give him hope. She seemed to be fiddling with something on her jacket as she rounded the corner, but when she raised her head she stopped. She stood for several long moments before walking with measured steps toward the front gate. She stood staring for a few minutes more, and then seemed to snap out of her daze and looked around almost as if embarrassed. She then hurried back to the path toward the river looking back several times as she went

Ronan left the room and made his way to the grounds leading toward to the river. He originally had planned to observe Maggie for a few more days before attempting to make contact but he was changing those plans. He needed to find a way to help her memories return and quickly. He told himself it was for her own protection, but his heart knew otherwise. 

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