Chapter 57 - Becoming Whole

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Once back in the house I excused myself to return to the room and change into more comfortable clothes. Well, frankly they were less comfortable but we did have company. Ronan's men had returned and we needed to discuss the remainder of the plans to trap Donal. It had been a blessing to forget about the danger for a while but it was still present and very real.

Given my injuries had all but disappeared, I could finally take a bath and wash my hair properly. While Ronan had tried there was only so much he could have done given the stitches and bandages. While they were still present (and would need to be removed) the slice had healed well and no longer hurt to touch. I enjoyed the feel of the water and the resulting cleanliness of my hair. Eager to return to the group, I hastily dried my hair with a towel and put on my jeans and sweatshirt. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen when I realized they were in the large dining hall. James was in the kitchen though and I walked over to give him a small kiss on the cheek.

"It's good to see you back to feeling more like yourself Miss Maggie." He said warmly. I could see he was gathering refreshments for the group. He was always feeding people.

"I still don't understand it all but it feels wonderful." I said smiling at him as I plucked a warm biscuit from the pile.

"James, I don't have all of my memories back. I'm not sure if I ever will. But I know you were important to Emmeline. In my flashbacks I feel nothing but love and admiration from her toward you." I said looking him in the eye wanting him to believe what I was saying.

"Maggie, the feeling was completely mutual. It was hard to see her go but I know her destiny was not with us back in that time. I always felt she was only to be with us for a short period of time. As if there was more." He said looking far away remembering.

"I get the feeling she knew it too." I said thinking back to various glimpses and feelings I'd remember.

"Maggie, also understand that we all realized you aren't her. There are pieces of you that might resemble Emmeline but you are very much your own person. We aren't comparing." And as he said the words I could feel it too. I could feel the pieces that were her but they seemed to be tucked into other pieces of me. Interwoven with other traits and characteristics making us both stronger. It felt like a gift.

"Thank you James. I feel her here I said putting a hand over my chest. "I feel her living within me, making me stronger."

"Well, you'd be strong on your own so who knows what you can do now!" he said chuckling. "Why don't you grab those biscuits and we'll bring this all out to the ravenous beasts out there. They always eat twice as much when they are plotting something."

We walked in companionable silence to the entrance of the dining room. As we were about to enter I hesitated looking at the lot of them debating and organizing their strategy. "James," I said stopping to look at him.

"Yes Miss Maggie?" he said pausing as I had.

"How will I know how to help. This is all so new to me, how will I be able to contribute?" I asked feeling doubtful.

James looked at me without blinking and said, "Maggie, I believe you are the key to this whole puzzle. I think you will tip the scale at the most critical time. You'll just have to trust you will know when that is." He then continued into the room and I followed behind.

Everyone was there as James and I took our seats to join the men. There were drawings, sketches, things being used as models and lots of arguments about how to plan the attack. It was to be staged as an engagement party for Ronan and me, given he was to propose the night I was sent forward in time. He had told the earl he didn't want to chance me slipping through his fingers again and wanted to move forward with the engagement and wedding as soon as possible. The earl was already aware of the plan and was hopefully sharing it with Donal and preparing his attack. We didn't want much time to pass so the event was scheduled for a few days from now. Just enough time to organize the event and put everything in motion from our end. If all went as planned, I wouldn't have to face Donal or the earl again. It would be over long before that time.

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