Chapter 42 - Recovery

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Maggie had lost full consciousness shortly after they left Windsor castle. Ronan tried talking with her both out loud and through their mind connection and there was no response. Not even a glimmer of communication. Nat was already communicating with the rest of the team about the Earl and they were working on some initial strategies on what to do next.

"I want everyone out of there. They should leave the Earl's estate immediately." Ronan ordered Nat as they sped toward his estate.

"Ronan, stop and think for a minute. He has no idea we rescued Maggie, and even if he did he doesn't know that we've seen him." Nat tried to slow Ronan's thoughts.

"They likely already know she's missing. Who else would have rescued her." Ronan stated

"My point exactly. But he doesn't know that she identified him as the Earl. She had never met him before this. Perhaps if we let him think he's still fooling us it may be to our advantage. He doesn't want to be discovered so he can't accuse of us rescuing her. That would give him away."

They arrived at Ronan's estate in a short 15 minutes and Nat rushed around to offer to assist with Maggie. The look Ronan gave Nat was so pained and possessive he stepped back and allowed Ronan to manage her himself.

"Nat, I'll leave you to determine what is best for everyone for the next 24 hours. After that I think it will be too risky for all of us and especially for Maggie. The Earl and Donal will want to finish whatever they had started. Make sure our people are briefed and only a small number remain at his place."

"Agreed, Ronan I will keep you and James informed of what we discover and anything from a planning perspective." Nat looked fondly at Maggie who was still unconscious in Ronan's arms. "And you've got quite a woman there Ronan. I look forward to meeting her."

"Nat, it's Emmeline. We found proof." Ronan said quickly walking up the stone stairs to the front door.

"I'm not sure it really matters anymore." Nat said as he held the door open for Ronan. Ronan looked down at the woman in his arms and said "I'm in complete agreement."

Nat left to return to the rest of the team and Ronan hurried up the staircase trying not to jostle Maggie any more than necessary. He had considered taking her to her former room when she had lived in residence at the estate but it was small and she wouldn't have remembered it anyway. He turned left at the top of the stairs and walked down the hall to his bedroom. It was not only larger but had a master bathroom attached. As he walked through the door, he saw James had already been preparing the room for her arrival. The large four poster bed had been freshly made and James was starting a fire in the fireplace.

"Ronan, I've stocked the bathroom with towels, medical supplies and some fresh clothes. Do you need any assistance?" James asked Ronan with great tenderness as he looked at Maggie.

"Yes. I'm very concerned about the back of her head. I don't believe I could hold her and treat her wounds at the same time." Ronan stated as he moved toward the bathroom.

As they entered the room, James waited for Ronan's direction but had already located a stool. "Why don't you hold her while I look at the back of her head." Ronan said and James pulled the stool next to the sink as Ronan placed Maggie in a seated position on James's lap.

"If you can tilt her forward a bit, I'll start cleaning the cut and see what we're dealing with." Ronan picked up the washcloth and wet it with warm water. He then started to gently wipe away the blood from the back of her head. They worked this way for several minutes rinsing out the washcloth and wiping away with gentle strokes. When it was finished, Ronan could now see the angry evidence of her head hitting the stone wall. There was about a inch and a half gash at the back of her head and it was still oozing a bit of blood but thankfully had slowed.

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