Chapter 4

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"Baby are you ok." London had tears flowing down her face. Raiden just held her in his arms. He held her close until she fell asleep. He tucked her in the spare bedroom. Knowing how hard it's going to be now to have her in his bed. He went out and called Leo. "Leo, it's Raiden." "Raiden is London ok." "Not really Bryant threw her out and called her a whore. He said she was a whore like her mother. Then I punched him in the face." "I've never liked him he has always been a bastard. I'll call the probate people and stop the checks. That will make him see his mistake. Where is she now?" "She is sleeping." "Is she staying with you? You promised you wouldn't touch her until she turned 18." "Hey I gave you my word. She is in the guest room fully dressed. But it's clear that we are going to have to be mated sooner than we thought. I can't protect her fully unless we are mated. But I won't force her into anything she is not ready for. But we have to consider it." "Does she know everything." "Yes. She is fully aware of everything." "I'll be in town this weekend and we can talk then. Keep her safe until I get there." "She will be very safe."

Raiden walked through the house. Contemplating his next move. He wasn't planning on having London live with him so soon. But he enjoyed it. He was going to have to keep her safe and hidden from his world. He was going to love her and he would even marry her if that made her more comfortable.

After a little over an hour He heard yelling come from her room. He ran back quickly. He saw she was having a bad dream. He went to her side and just held her again. "Baby wake up you are safe please wake up." She opened her eyes and grabbed his face and kissed him. He returned her kiss. His hands went under her shirt. She moaned at his touch. He stopped and pulled his hands off her. "Damn!! Its so hard to control myself around you." "It's ok. I'm ok." "No, you are seventeen it's not ok. As an alpha I need better control." London felt the rejection and her heart began to hurt. Raiden came close to her again. "Baby, I'm not rejecting you I'm respecting you. I don't want to do something that you will regret the next day."

London put her head down. Raiden lifted her chin with his fingers so she had to look him in the eye. "London I love you. Believe me that I want to make love you. But not when you are crying not when your world is spinning. When it's our time it will be our time and I will make it perfect for you."

"London why don't you go take a shower. I will have juice waiting for you once you come out. Your clothes are in the closet and the drawers. Make yourself at home." He came up to her and kissed her gently. "I have some calls to make so take your time." London went into the shower. She began thinking about the enormity of her day. Everything that she heard and learned about get family. Her father. Raiden. Leo. Her mother. Oh especially her mother. Her uncle kicking her out. She is trying to figure out her relationship with Raiden. She couldn't believe how much she wanted him to continue earlier. She couldn't believe the thoughts she was having. But she also knew that Raiden was her forever. He was the other half of her soul. But she heard what he said about the Rogue Wolves who kidnap and rape she wolves. That scared her. She came out of the shower draped in just a towel. She went through her drawers. She couldn't believe that Raiden really put her clothes away. She had lived in her aunts house and get clothes were still in a suitcase. Maybe she mentally knew that situation was temporary. That made her smile. There was a large glass of orange juice on the desk. She put on her camisole and her matching pajama shorts. She drank some juice and took her glass with her to find Raiden. He felt her before he saw her. The electrical energy between them was amazing. "Baby are you trying to kill me or make me lose control." "No, this is what I normally sleep in. You don't like it?" "No no don't get me wrong. You look gorgeous but do you realize how hard it's going to be for me not to lose control around you." "Maybe that won't be such a bad thing." London gave him a strange look. "Oh no, that would be very bad. I promised your brother I wouldn't touch you. I'm not going back on my word." "Ok thanks for putting away my clothes." "Great way to change the subject. I love doing things to make you smile. He kissed her gently.

"Will you tell me about the mate bond?" They sat on the couch and he gave her a blanket. "Cover up and we can have a conversation." She giggled and drank her juice. "The mate bond, are you sure you want to have this conversation tonight it almost eleven." "Yes, you had said we might have to do it sooner I need to know what that entails." "Ok I will try my best to have it makes sense. We will bond on a full moon. The magic of the moon will be joined with our magic. We will drink what I call moon juice." "Moon juice that's hilarious." "Baby, it's a concoction that is hard to explain what's actually in it. But it helps with the moon magic and it's helps to connect us. Then we share blood." "Ok what does that mean share blood?" "It means just that.

I take your blood and you take mine. Then we phase and our wolves mate." London burst out laughing. "That gives new meaning to doggy style." "Wow you have a perverted mind. We have so much in common." He laughed. "Then I get to make love to you over and over."

"What's happens if we skip a few steps." "What do you mean?" She threw off her blanket and sat on his lap. She kissed him slowly. "What happens if we just skip to the last step?" She tried kissing him more passionately. "You really are trying to kill me. Baby look at me there is a lot at stake. It's not just sex it's so much more. You are the other half of my soul. You are worth waiting for. Even though the fates brought us together sooner than we thought I still love you enough to want to do things correct." He goes and pulls out a small box. "Marriage is not a necessary step for Canus Lupus but I think it's necessary for us." He dropped down to one knee. "London Ash Fennelli will you give me the honor of being my wife." "Yes!"

"We will be engaged for almost eight months." "I figured that." "Ok it's late you still have school tomorrow let's get you to bed." "Will you a least lie down with me." Raiden sighed "Ok let's go." Raiden walked her to her room. He tucked her in under the blankets and he laid down on top of the quilts. He kissed her gently. "Sleep my queen."

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