Inuyasha - our bond ☁️

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(Fem reader x Inuyasha ☁️
Slight mature content • .agnst.
Reader and Inuyasha are mates. Reader believes their bond is strong that is until Kikyo comes back.)

I met him when he woke up after all these years. This girl called herself Kagome, she had set him free pulling out the arrow that had bonded him. I didn't mind though, not with one look from his golden eyes as I tended to his wounds with my healing magic while Kaede and Kagome had a long conversation about all of this happening. My my heart yearned for him. I guess he felt the same because next thing you know he was calling me his mate.

"Inuyasha..." tears filled my eyes as I held him close to my chest, "your hurt." I whispered pressing my hand gently against his shoulder to begin healing him.

"I'm okay." His cheeks grew slightly red as he took my face in between his hands stopping me from healing him and pressing a kiss to my forehead, "see. Still here."

I gave him a small smile before I began my magic again, "what happened?"

"Seshoumaru. Naruku bribed him with a human arm to be able to wield the teitsusaiga." Kagome explained the whole thing while I tried to asses his wounds.

"I need to talk to Kagome first, we'll deal with that after." Inuyasha explained as they headed off into the woods.

I met with Kaede for some medical supplies while Inuyasha and Kagome went off somewhere for me to later find out he made her go back to her own world for her safety. It made me smile warmly knowing how much Inuyasha cared for all of us.

While my magic is strong I have yet to become my full power, Inuyasha was healing from his previous battle with Seshoumaru. We learned a great deal more about Kikyo's past and a man whom she tried to save but, ended up being her doom.  Inuyasha's hate towards Naruku grew as he learned more about him and what he did to himself and Kikyo. I noticed him starting to recluse himself and that worried me to no end. We were heading backs to the village when Royakan who is suppose to be a protector started to attack us.

"He has to be under Naruku's spell!" I yelled grabbing Shippo to protect him as best as I could.

We out maneuvered him with Miroku using his wind tunnel and saving us all. It was a blur after that, making our way to the safety of a hut. Kaede and Miroku also trapped Inuyasha in the hut sealing it with demon seals so he would heal before going after Naruku.

"You'll be safe in there! Now be quiet while we work!" Kaede scolded while she and Miroku began a cloaking spell.

"Those two... just wait until I get out of here!" He growled out in a annoyance to which I just rolled my eyes at.

Fixing up our bed I grabbed his arm pulling him into the soft sheets causing him to huff, "what are you doing woman!?"

Ignoring him I got comfortable cuddling into his side while Shippo laid somewhere near us already asleep, "I'm going to sleep. The faster you rest the faster you heal." I told him as I closed my eyes.

His cheeks dusted pink as he stared at the brazen woman before submitting to defeat and wrapping an arm around her smaller form. He smiled to him self nuzzling his nose into her hair and taking in her scent with a feeling of home. No one could give him the same feeling as she did but, his mind would still linger to the first girl who he thought was the one before knowing her.

It was in the early morning, when it was still dark out and a demon broke the seals to the hut almost crushing us if it weren't for Inuyasha using himself as a shield.

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