[ Takeuchi Miyu X Takada Kenta ] - Please... Just Stay

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T A K E U C H I    M I Y U     X     T A K A D A    K E N T A



To have someone older by your side, taking care of you has always been the most comfortable situation you could ever have. Knowing that there will be someone who will always stay by your side and you could totally rely on them, made life easier. But what happened when one day, they told you, they're going to leave? Will you be glad by the sudden news or holds him back so that he couldn't go anywhere?

"You're here again?" The taller guy ruffled the girl's hair who was currently sitting on the chair, with a book widely opened in front of her as she intensely stares on it. He occupied the vacant seat beside her and settled down, "Have you take your lunch yet?" He continuedly asks.

The girl lay down her pen on the table and shifted her attention towards the boy, "What are you doing here?" She asked in an annoying tone as the boy always there whenever she tried to focus on her study. It wasn't like she couldn't when the boy is nearby but... how can she ignore his charming face, imploring her to stare it for the whole day instead of completing what she should have done?

Ever since Miyu realized that she has liked the boy more than just a brother, she tried frantically hard to get over her feelings because she knows Kenta saw her not more than just a little sister. Plus, it was virtually impossible for them to be in a relationship when both of their parents were currently dating each other.

Though at first, both Miyu and Kenta against their relationship but after realizing that it might be the best for their parents who have been taking care of them since they're a child; alone without any companion by their side, so they ended up respect their decision to marry each other.

Soon, Miyu and Kenta are going to be nothing but step-siblings but what can Miyu do when there were additional feelings attacked her, saying that she likes Kenta more than she thought she would be? Definitely, it would be a lie if she said she wasn't grateful to have Kenta by her side because he has always been considerate to her.

When the girl didn't have any umbrella while the rain heavily poured down, Kenta would appear out of nowhere, offered a protection for her. Everytime her stomach growling, demanding for foods, Kenta would bring various kinds of lunch boxes with him to feed the girl. Kenta had consistently unnecessarily been there for Miyu.

He always did something he wasn't obliged to do.

"Of course, because I'm concerned over my little sister," Kenta flashed a beatific smile, flustering Miyu a little bit. The smile had always looked normal to her so since when it managed to flutter her heart? "You always skip your meal whenever the examination week around the corner," He notified and Miyu hates the fact she couldn't deny it at all.

A sudden realization came across her mind when she hasn't taken anything ever since yesterday. She barely eats the breakfast, and that's only after her mother forced her to at least take a bite of the sandwich she made for her. Miyu appreciated what her mother prepared for her so she simply grabbed it, though at the end she only eats like half of the bread before it finally ended up being a snack to the stray cats she found in the middle of the road.

Miyu looked at Kenta with a pair of weary eyes, "I just want to study," She declared but Kenta wasn't convinced by her words. He knows if he ever leaves Miyu alone, she might die at this rate. She hasn't eaten anything and keep studying, other than Kenta could feel Miyu has been avoiding him lately.

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