[ Kwon Eunbi x Kim Jonghyun (JR) ] - Not Your Fault

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K W O N    E U N B I     X     K I M    J O N G H Y U N ( J R )



As terrible time goes on, for sure people will move on with social life, undoubtedly continue living like they always did before. Even someone who typically undergoes an acrimonious breakup would probably find the possible replacement for their old love and naturally tried to enjoy life again.

But what if, they never think about willingly letting it go at the first place? Will they ever let a new love come into their life or let themselves drowning in the tragic past and regret the foolish decision they made back then?

Eunbi allegedly knows, she had to let other people coming into her life as others invariably did. And yes, she practically did. She would go to countless blind dates her friends arranged for her and even replace their position when they couldn't make it to the date. She did earnestly try everything she could but still.

There's no specific answer for the personal conflict she had in herself.

We could say she's quite lucky when Jonghyun came into her life, lightened up the dark alley she always walked whenever she needs to find herself. It has never been easy for her ever since the breakup with Seongwoo. She didn't expect their relationship will end up so soon and just like that, they weren't together anymore.

Eunbi should be grateful Jonghyun was there beside her through thick and thin whenever she wanted to throw all of her bad memories behind, moving on with joyful life; if only she's genuinely happy with it.

Though it has been few times since her friends suggested her to date Jonghyun, she just couldn't do so. Eunbi found it unfair if she ever dates Jonghyun when her heart wasn't ready yet to accept anyone yet. She should try more in opening her heart towards someone else.

She dearly hopes she would and someday she would be like anyone else in a happy relationship she constantly demanded it to be.

Even her younger brother already encountered someone whom he profoundly love and Eunbi totally support their relationship since her girlfriend is a nice girl anyway. She looks moderate and also has a lovely face; that's a bonus for her brother who put visual in the first place for finding a girlfriend. Eunbi did meet up with her for few times whenever he invited her to their house for having a dinner together so she kind of acquaintance with the girl though she had no interest to bother about their relationship. She knows her brother would handle it well and he won't end up as she did.

Being left by someone she loves, and still haunted by the past.

Eunbi still remembers the first meeting between Jonghyun and her. It wasn't elegant at all and rather it's kind of unpleasant if Eunbi tried to recall it now. They met at the very unexpected place which is the club. Yes, Eunbi wasn't a party girl who loves to drink and have fun on the dance floor. She scarcely has that typical mindset where those girls who endlessly went to the club is in fact a slut; allowing all the guys admired their figure.

But one fine day, when her closest friends organized an event and it has to be at the most well-known club in the Seoul, Eunbi had no other choice than to attend it. So, she ended up being in a club where she loathes it the most. On that particular day, she merely wishes Seongwoo won't turn up as she sure she wouldn't want to regard the man anytime soon. It wasn't too soon when it has at present been two years since they broke up, though.

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