Otabek pov Fuck... "Yura I- I'm so sorry. I lost control I- I don't- I can't. I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Don't hate me please." I said hating myself for what i did to him. I don't know what got into me. It's like I couldn't stop. "Something's wrong with me-." "Beka i don't hate you and nothing is wrong with you. You just lost control." My Yura said crying because of me, I made him cry. "There must be something wrong with me Yura i made you cry. I hate seeing you cry." I said about to cry, myself for hurting him. He looks away and says to me "I'll still love you no matter what" his voice shaky. I pulled him onto a tight hug but not too tight. I don't want to hurt him again. He slowly wrapped his arms around me. I was too scared to let go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok I'm so so sorry this chapter is short next chapter will be longer... maybe. Anyway, school starts soon and I'm gonna be a freshman. I do know a lot of people at the high school because of my brothers but I'm still nervous as hell. I'm going to be in JROTC which if you don't know what it is or stands for it is: Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
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So i am excited about that. But don't worry I'm not thinking of going into any military branch. I was actually thinking of being a nurse or doctor. If I'm a doctor i would have to go to college for 8 years. And I don't have the commitment for that. The next chapter will be up sometime next week as in this week possibly on Wednesday. I love you guys buh bye -author💞💕