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Yuri pov
Six months into our pregnancy Beka and I started thinking of names. "Ok so what if for the boy his name could be Colby. And for a girl kirsten?" I asked " ok i like the boy name but why not the girl name kristen instead. So we could call her kris." Beka responds. "yeah that works. I actually want a daughter she'd be so cute. And she could play with viktor and katsudons daughter. (shes about a year older when yurios baby will be born.) Fuck! I forgot to tell them, I haven't seen them in so
long. I must call viktor or yuri!"

"hello viktor, how are you? Good? good. Well I feel the need to tell you... something rather important. Im pregnant. Tell katsudon! Bye!" I hung up looked over to Beka, and sighed.
Hello muhy guhys how yuh doin. I'm good but whatevah again sorry for the short chapter. I have a busy day tomorrow and I wouldn't be able to post later. I have piano lessons at like 8 am, I'm bekng forced to go to my little brothers baseball game right after. Then Theres a party for my brothers girlfriend so um. Yeah. Well I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll talk to yuh

My sweet beka (otayuri mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now