Cuddles and kisses are ahead my guys and gals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yurio pov Its been a week since the whole thing... on the couch... but i forgave him because i love him. "Yura~" "hm?" "Come cuddles pwease" i take a few steps back before running and jumping onto the bed. We gave each other a quick peck on the lips, then I hid my face in his chest. "Oh no I lost yuri where. did. he. go." Beka said like a worried robot.
I grabbed his shoulders and pulled myself to eye level. "Boop" i said as I booped his nose. I leaned in for a short lil kiss... his lips are naturally fuccin soft. Im jealous. Sure mine are soft but i have to use a ton of chapstick and lip lotion, stuff like that. After I pull away I make a pouty face (A/n:yuris pouty face)
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"Why do you look like a mad midget Yura, i want you to be a normal happy midget Yura." He said about to break into laughter
"First I'm not short I'm fun sized-" "fun for me;}" "shut up" i said sinking back down to his chest and burying my face in it. "Second I'm mad cuz you don't need chapstick and i do." "Perks of being tall, you get soft lips" Beka said with a smirk. "Noooo, you're lying. You're just a magical wizard with spells n stuff" I said kinda embarrassed. "Why dont you have a lot of leg hair? They feel weird and smooth" "they feel weird for me! Viktor and Yuri shaved them." "...for what" I rolled off the bed covering my face. "I can't say. Its odd and embarrassing." "You're odd and embarrassing" he said just loud enough for me to hear. "Fight me little girl" I say. "fIrSt I'm not a little girl. If anything you're the little girl. SeCoNd tell me why they shaved you." "Uuhhhhhwwaawwhyyyyyyy just ask one of them, they'll tell you." I said even more embarrassed. He's gonna find out.
Yuuri pov "Uhh- Viktor~ it's way to ngh early for this" i said as viktor massaged my back. My phone suddenly started ringing. "Helloooo. Oh Otabek its you. Uh yeah we did... HAAHAHA well you see Viktor wanted to start making dresses and he needed someone to measure and things of that- oh oh right well he said it looked un natural for hairy legs and dresses to be together so we shaved him. No he didn't really fight back or object to it. Yeah no problem. Bye."
3rd person "Yura~" "I didn't know it was gonna feel this weirrrd I'm sorry." "Come here lemme touch them." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello my children it is Monday today so I updated a little earlier that expected so here yuh go anyway i should update soon. Love yuh guys -author