Inactivity ;~;

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Sorry that i have been so inavtive on my book, reasons are
A. I forgot xD
B. School starting up
C. Summer reading crap

I may attempt to write some random One-shots or sorta stories on this. Or if anyone wants to rp anything (that i know), just ask :p anyway, ill make an official chapter soon. It's 1:46 AM rn, but I don't give a shit xD.

Also, juice_chan, please feel better with what ur writing about in the book and such, I'm just saying cause I'm that frantic person that repeats every word I say lmao.

Vote goal- 5..?

And WOAH A WHOOPING {126} WORDS, MY OWN RECORDER BREAKER.. Well, prob bc I put mainly pics and all but... Shhh...

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