Thank you, Sai-Shou.

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I know, I know. I promised that I would do this in the first chapter, but here I am, 54 parts later.

Im sorry that this was such a delay, but I really wanted to make this special.

First off, I'll give a little insight of the story to the people that haven't seen it yet. AskMercy Series is a comic series that was up on Tumblr, and told the story of two lovers, Frisk and Chara (Charisk ship). There's lots of jokes and funny moments, but all throughout them, the art was always amazing. I would laugh every time I saw any of it, even rewatching it. There are very well done and funny dubs of it up on Starbot Dubs' YouTube channel. Please, I highly suggest that you watch it. Beware, there are a few sin moments, but censored.

There's really only a few words to say to you, Sai-Shou.

Thank you. Through the hardest times, your comic really made me laugh. You gave me inspiration to do a lot, like to persevere through tough times like Chara and Frisk did.

I know it is really unlikely, but Sai, if you see this, I hope that you are well. I hope that everything has been going amazing in your life. And, if at all possible, bring back AskMercySeries. Even if it would be long pauses between updates, I don't mind. I'm sure a lot of your other fans wouldn't mind.

Thank you, Sai-Shou.

And thank you, the few readers I have, for taking the time to read this.




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