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Alright, I'll admit, it was an idiotic decision to leave. I was so fucking bored when I had absolutely nothing to do.
It was also stupid of me to leave Wattpad without telling about it on here.
But hey, no need for it now, am I right?
Well, Im back now.
Things have changed in my life.
Some shit happened in my life.
But I'm glad to be back.
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J-Mei- (woah, it'll finally let me tag you)
(Tag anyone else if I'm missing them, it's been awhile)THE GAY SKITTLE BACK YO!!! xD

[OLD, DISCONTINUED] Random doki doki memes
Random(Fyi, technically now my randomness book) Just my book of random DDLC crap i have stored in my gallery, cause why not. ----------------------- Ah, the memories. Reading this will let you see my younger self, three years ago to be exact. Those were t...