Chapter 8

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I'm sorry its not an update. I needed to redo Chapter 8 because some how my chapters got out of order but I promise I'll update soon. Love you guys -Holly

I woke up in a hospital bed with Niall asleep by my side. I sat up forgetting about the pain in my stomach from the needle that was jabbed there. My groans of pain woke Niall up. "Thank god you're awake." He said and kissed me. "Are you feeling any better? Still in pain?" All I could manage to get out was "Stomach." "Ok baby, I'll be right back."  He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. Last night is kind of a blur but I do remember Lexi laying on the ground. Lexi. Where is she? 

Niall came back in the room with a nurse. As soon as they walked in I tried to get up an Niall ran to stop me. "Woah woah woah baby. You need to lay down." The nurse came over and laid me back down and change the bag on my IV. I had so many questions but all that came out was "Lexi." 

Niall's POV 

I was laying in bed with Megan watching some lame show that was lulling her to sleep when my phone ran. I pulled my arm out from under her careful not to wake her up and answered it. "Hello?" "Hey man, where are you? You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago?" "Oh shit, I forgot. I'm at the hospital with Megan. Her and her sister got raped last night. But I'm on my way right now. Be there in a few. " "Alright man." I hung up the phone, kissed Megan's forehead and grabbed my keys and went to my car.

Kat's POV

I was sitting at home watching TV when my phone rang. When Megan  told me about what happened I rushed to the hospital. 

I walked into her room and saw her laying there watching TV. "Hey." I said knocking on the door frame. "Hey." she said smiling. "Thanks for coming. I needed company since Niall had to leave." Leave? Where would he have to go when his girlfriend is in the hospital? "No problem."  

Niall's POV

"Hey man. Sorry I forgot. I was with Megan  at the hospital." I said to the guys. "It's cool man. Mike was just asking where you were. We explained it all to him and he was totally understanding." Sam said to me. He looked rough. How many fights has he been in the past month? "What happened, man? You're chiseled good looks are hidden under a busted lip and black eye." He chuckled and looked at me. "Eh a couple fights. Nothing big. You on the other hand look amazing. All your bruises and scars are gone." "They're not gone. Just covered up. This undercover job isnt so bad. I met Megan. But I  I know who it was that tried to rape her. It was Scott Holmes."

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