Chapter Fourteen

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Vanessa's POV:

I woke up in Madelaine's arms and it was an amazing feeling. I felt so warm when I was with her and got tingly all over the place. I didn't want to move but I looked at the cable box under the tv and saw that it read 8:24 AM. I knew Madelaine and I had to be at set by 9:45 AM. I shook her lightly to try and get her up. Less than 30 seconds the red head was up and was rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked sleepily.

"8:30." I replied. She got up and walked into the kitchen. She started brewing some coffee and she threw four pieces of toast in the toaster. I got up and walked into the bedroom and threw on some nike running shorts with a tank top and a LA Dodgers baseball cap. I went into the bathroom and got myself together. Once I walked out into the kitchen Madelaine was putting her plate away and was walking toward the bedroom to get changed.

"Aw you look cute today!" She said walking past me.

"Thanks!" I said blushing. I quickly walked into the kitchen so she wouldn't notice me blushing. I buttered my toast and started eating it. I didn't even feel like looking at social media so I just read some magazine that was laying on the countertop. Soon Madelaine came out wearing sweatpants and a loose t shirt.

"Ready?" I asked looking at her.

"I forgot to tell you but Travis is going to take us to set today. He wanted to come and see me. Is that okay? If not you can take my car and I can meet you there." She said. I loved Travis but I didn't like how in love they were. I mean I was happy for them don't get me wrong but I just wish it was Mads and I. I quickly rushed those thoughts to the back of my head.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Is it okay if I catch a ride with Travis and you?" I asked.

"Yeah, definitely!" She said smiling.

Madelaine's POV:

I looked at my phone and saw a text from Travis.

Travis: Hey babe, I'm outside!

Madelaine: Okay! On my way!

"Okay, he's here." I said grabbing my stuff. We both walked out toward the car.

"Hey babe! Is it okay if Vanessa tags along?" I asked getting in the car.

"Yeah, definitely! The more the merrier!!" He said looking at me than Vanessa.

"Thanks Travis!" Vanessa said smiling.

We were all talking the whole ride to set. Vanessa was asking Travis how his rapping was going. Travis was asking her if she liked the cast she was working with. Then Travis asked a question that made her freeze.

"So, have you met any guys here since you've been in LA?" He asked smirking.

"U-um not r-really." She said finally getting the words out.

"Oh come on you, you have had to!!" He said laughing. I saw Vanessa get a nervous look on her face so I quickly butted in.

"Trav, she doesn't wanna talk about it so just leave her alone." I said grabbing his hand. I saw Vanessa look at our hands on the console and it almost looked as if her face fell.

"Okay, sorry Vanessa. I didn't mean to sound rude." He said looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"It's fine." She said giving a small smile. We eventually arrived at set and we all started making our way to the hair and makeup trailer. Travis was talking to KJ and this one guy, who I haven't seen before. I got my makeup and hair done and then I headed over to wardrobe. When I walked over to set I saw that same guy that was talking to Travis was now talking to Vanessa so I decided to go over and see who he was.

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