Chapter Fifteen

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Vanessa's POV:

Madelaine helped me pick out a really cute outfit. I did my hair in loose curls and made sure my makeup was perfect. I was actually really excited for this date. Charles could actually help me get over Madelaine and that's just what I needed. I sat on the couch clicking through the tv channels waiting for Madelaine to get done. She finally came out in a really hot outfit. I guess I got caught staring because she started laughing.

"I think you're drooling a bit." She said laughing.

"Well you look really good." I told her laughing.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." She said smirking. I started blushing but quickly looked away so she wouldn't notice. We both sat on the couch waiting for the boys to arrive. We heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it, it was Charles.

"Hey! You look really good!" He said giving me a hug.

"Hi! And thank you, you look very good too!" I said hugging him back.

"Hey Madelaine!" He said looking at Mads.

"Hi." She said looking at the tv. Charles noticed that she had no interest in him whatsoever so he just shrugged it off.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, let's go!" I said. We were taking two different cars. I'm not sure why but we were. "See you there Mads!" I said picking up my things and giving her a hug on the way out.

"See ya." She said. I'm like 99% sure that Mads was jealous and I liked it. Charles held the car door open for me and I got in. As we were pulling off we saw Travis walk inside. Charles and I talked the whole way there. He was actually really funny and easy to talk to.

"Hey do you know why Madelaine doesn't like me?" He asked shyly.

"I honestly have no idea. Sometimes she just gets in these moods because she's stressed. Don't worry she'll come to like you." I said giving him a smile.

"I hope so." He said giving me a small smile back. We arrived at the carnival and it was so pretty. Eventually Travis and Madelaine arrived. We all walked over to some of the games and played them. A little while after we went on some of the roller coasters that they had there. So far it has been a really fun night. We sat down and had some food I remembered I took my camera with me so I snapped some pictures.

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(^ in that picture just imagine the writing is gone and it's dark out lol)

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(^ in that picture just imagine the writing is gone and it's dark out lol)

Once we finished our food we went over to this big ferris wheel. It was like it was out of a movie it was beautiful.

"Okay, I'll go with Vanessa." Charles said. Just as I was about to say okay Madelaine spoke up.

"Hey, can I go on with Vanessa? You've gone on everything with her." She stated.

"Yeah, sure. Travis and I will just wait here for you guys." He said. I wondered why Madelaine wanted to go on with me but I didn't mind. We got into the cart and we were talking about how the night has been so far.

Madelaine's POV:

"Vanessa, do you have feelings for me?" I spat out cutting her off while she was talking about Charles.

"W-what?" Vanessa said with a nervous look on her face.

"I said do you have feelings for me?" I repeated. It looked like she was debating weather or not to tell me.

"Yes." She said honestly.

"Y-you do?" I asked.

"Yes, I do." She said confidently. "I've liked you ever since I met you. You are constantly on my mind and I can never stop thinking about you. Charles is great don't get me wrong but he's not you. You're just I can't even explain it. You are the first and last thing on my mind everyday. You give me this feeling that I've never had before and no matter how hard I try to get over you I can't." She kept rambling on and before she could say anything else I pushed my lips against hers. She grabbed my face and I put my hands on her waist.

"U-um..." Vanessa said letting out an awkward laugh.

"I wanna be with you." I finally admitted to myself and to her.

A/N: Sorry this is short but it's a cute chapter and very important. Like I said before I have a lot going on so i'm not sure when i will be able to post but i had some time so i wrote this. hope you enjoyed finally getting your madnessa ;)

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