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*Sam's Pov*

As I sat in the kitchen thinking about the conversation from earlier with Dean and Constance, I researched some more about the house and it's stories. Since Dean is asleep because he decided to get drunk on the case like always,I decided to get further into detail about this house. Something wasn't right about this house. The ghosts looked human, no sign of injuries or cause of death, but not all ghost show it . Tate, he was seeing Dr.Harmon for treatments. Why would a ghost need treatment? Maybe because Tate doesn't know he is dead, or maybe Ben doesn't know he is dead. Either way, he is attracted to Violet and might try to get her to kill herself to stay in this house with him because this house is the source that holds all these ghosts. Its the house. I cant wait to tell Dean about this, should I wake him or should I warn Violet of what Tate is capable of? I think Dean needs to rest, so i will check up on Violet.

As I walked up the stairs, I felt a sharp pain in my arm. Suddenly, Tate appeared in front of me with an evil grin rising upon his face.

"You idiot! You honestly think Violet is going to believe you. VIOLET IS MINE." Tate said screaming. I pushed him away and ran to the kitchen to get the salt. I needed him to stay away from Violet or something stupid is going to happen.I grabbed the salt and made a circle. Some how is wasn't working, These ghosts must be really powerful. As Tate ran towards me, I dodged him and ran for Violet's room. I ran in and barricaded the door. I turn my eye to see violet wasn't in the room. Dammit. I move the things blocking the door and headed for the hallway. The bathroom light was on and the door was shut. Someone was in there, maybe Violet. Dammit Sam, You cant go one minute with out being a creepy person. I open the bathroom door to Violet cutting herself with a razor blade. I yanked the razor out of her hand and flushed it down the toilet.

"Why , Violet, why are you hurting yourself?" I spoke softly

" NO ONE UNDERSTANDS , OKAY" Violet said Screaming

"Violet, people care about you, especially me. You shouldn't do that. " I said trying to comfort her

"I have family issues . My mom caught my dad cheating on her with one of his patients, when we lived in Boston. That's why we moved here, I don't like being here. But I have too." Violet said crying trying not to breakdown

" I have family problems too. My father is dead. My mother burned to death on the ceiling in my nursery when I was 6 months years old. My former girlfriend I had before doing starting to help dean with the family business, she died the same way as my mom. We have been hunting the thing ever since our dad went missing and then he died. The point is you do have someone here for you. Even if it isn't your mother or dad, You always have Dean and I . We will always be here for you and never let anything hurt you, including yourself. I know it might be hard not to hurt yourself ,but its not worth it." I said

"Sam, I had no idea I'm- I interrupted her with a hug. I knew partly what she was going through. She was different. She probably thinks i'm a huge freak and a pervert. I suck. Violet decided to go to bed and I sat back down in the kitchen. I thought about how I could stop all this for her and her family. I wanted to learn about her and help her. I wanted her but she doesn't even like me. Ugh, well I am going to sleep on it.



It's Friday morning and I feel like shit, I don't want to go to stupid West field High, where all the dumb sluts go and think i am the freak. Well, I will just beg mom to let me stay home or I could just go and ditch. Eh, I will just beg them, I feel like someone weak and severed crawled into me while I was asleep and wanted me to be like this. I walked downstairs to the sight of my mother eating eggs and toast while talking to our maid.

"Oh my lord , Violet, You look horrible. Are you alright?" Mother said. I saw things get blurry and then it all went black. I think I am in coma. What the hell happened to me? I can hear a stern voice in the distance.

"She loss a lot of blood. She is in coma and will not be able to respond , but she can hear you." The stern voice said coming closer to where I was located. I heard a familiar voice near me. It was Sam. I felt someone grab by hand and hold it. It was such a warm touch upon my freezing hand. I must of freaked Sam out. I really like Sam but I doubt he even likes me. He can get like any girl because he seems normal but then there is a side of him that lets out all of him. He is different than any other boy and I think he is amazing. I hear weeping and drips of warm tears fall upon my face. Could it be Sam crying or my mother?

"Castiel, Get your feathery ass down here and heal her.Please? For the sake's of my brother." Dean says

"Dean , I got your prayer and I can try to heal her but it may cause me weakness. I will heal her but only because Sam really feels for her." A voice said responding to Dean's call

I feel someone touch me. -Author's Note- Hey! I will be writing another chapter later today. Will Violet be healed? Will Sam tell her more about the Family Business? Will Constance tell them more about the house and warnings? You can figure out in the next chapter . I will see you soon lovely people. I Love you all! Add this to your libraries so you can get updates when I add chapters! Bye!

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