Sam Winchester, the king of awkwardness!

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Dean and I waited for Dr, Harmon in the kitchen. This house is beautiful. Dr. Harmon walked through the kitchen door.

"So, Dr Harmon, You think some things are going on in your house?!?!" Dean said

"Well, Just the other night, My wife was raped but it wasnt me and there weren't any signs of burglary, so i guessing something weird is going on" Dr. Harmon spoke sternly

"Oh, might I check around the house, Dr?" i said

"Well , sure. Call me Ben,By the way." Ben said

"Alright." I said

I walked up the stairs while Dean talked to Ben Down stairs in the kitchen. I walk along the hall of many doors. I came to a stop when I familiar music coming from a nearby room. I knocked.

"Go Away, Dad! I don't want to talk to you right now!" A girl voice spoke.

" Uh, This isn't Ben. May I come in?" I said trying not to be awkward and creepy

"Why not?" She said sarcastically.

I opened the door to come upon a girl who looked about 18 or 19.

"Uh,hi. I am Sam."

"Haha, hi, I am violet." She said.

"I like that name. It's pretty." I said. Dammit can I not sound creepy . I am just trying to be polite and its sounds like I am trying to seduce her or something.


This boy was adorable but he might be one of those players and normal people. I dont believe in that bull shit. Normal people and things scare me. I sensed something about Sam though. He didn't seem normal. There was something different about him.

"What are you doing here?" I said

"Well, uh, you see- I cut him off

" Dude, dont even lie to me . Speak the truth. Dont bull shit me." I said

"Well, You see.... My older brother and I are hunters but not like animal hunters. We hunt evil things like Ghost , demons, shape shifters,Hell hounds, Vampires, werewolves and stuff like that. But my brother and I are here because you dad think there is something weird in the house going on. So, he knew our dad and so he called us to come check it out" Sam said

"Holy shit, No way. Are you serious? Do you know what is in the house?" I said Questioning him

" Well, I was looking up stairs to see if there was anything i could use as evidence of anything paranormal but i heard music playing, so thats how i ended up in here." Sam said with a smirk.

He has a cute smile. SNAP OUT OF IT. You hardly know the guy.

" Well thats cool I guess." I said

" yeah." Sam said ,which lead to an awkward silence..

" well I am going to go look around" Sam said awkwardly as he left my room,shutting the door.

Oh my god, i need to hang out with him . He seems cute and funny.


I am going to ask her to hang out sometime. She seems awesome, but i am not sure yet. I lookd around for anything. I am so far thinking this is a possible ghost haunting going on in this house. I need to find out the main source. Basically, where the ghost is feeding off energy to stay here in this house.

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