What a surprise!

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*Castiel's POV*

"Dean,I have to tell you something , please wake up ,it's important." I said softly trying not to make him angry with me.

"Dammit Cas, What now?" Dean said in his sleepy voice.

"Well, 2 things actually , but you need to get up and actually be able to comprehend what I am speaking about" I said to Dean sternly ,as I handed him some Coffee.

"Well, I am awake now, Cas, So what's going on?" Dean said questioning me

"Well, you see, there is a guy named Mega Tron and he is trying to make people believe he his god ,but he is hiding the angel tablet and has a plan." I said frustratingly

"Okay, seems like a douche move and what's the other thing?" Dean said

" It's really meant for Sam , but you need to know too. As you know I am not going to be around a lot because of the whole Mega Tron thing , I dug into Violet's Profile and it turns out she is gifted but she is human. She has a powers to heal." I said

"Holy Crap. Does Sam know?" Dean said

"Well, No, Not yet. I am going to tell him right now." I said

I transported to their room. Violet and Sam were lying together. I gently touched Sam to wake him up.

"Cas?Wwww-What are you doing here?" Sam Said

"Well, I have come to tell you something that is about Violet. I dug into her profile and found out , she is gifted and basically has witch powers but she can heal. I have to deal with Mega Tron , He is trying to make people believe he is god,but he is hiding the angel tablet and has a plan. Since, I will be dealing with that, you guys have Violet." I said

" Do you think she knows about it?" Sam Asked

"Not sure, but you need to tell her. You will need this to activate it and see if Violet knows" I said as I handed him a sheet of instructions.

"Thanks, Cas." Sam Said

I disappeared into thin air and transported back to Heaven.

*Sam's POV*

I got coffee and got dressed. I needed to tell Violet but I didn't want to wake her up.I waited until I saw her move a little and headed towards the bed and touched her gently on the arm.

"Hey, are you awake, Violet?" I ask while looking at her eyes open slowly.

"Yeah, what's up?" She spoke

"Well, Castiel an angel, came down and told me you're gifted with powers but you aren't evil. You can heal people." I said

" Woah, how do I use them?" She asked

" Not sure yet, but he handed me instructions and details buts it's all in Latin." I said

"Well , Can we somehow translate it?"She said

"Yeah,but we can do that later. We need a case to work on." I responded as I grabbed my laptop and started to research cases

"Look, I found a case. 3 bodies found , located in the woods of the Burbank, California near 4th avenue park. When the police found the bodies, only the hearts were missing." I said informing about the case .

"Woah, Some sick bastard" Violet said

" Ha, Yeah sounds like a Werewolf case." I said

"We need to inform Dean about it and get ready and get badges as FBI." Violet said

"Yeah, I will go wake him up. You get dressed." I said as I headed out the door into Dean's Hotel room

After I entered Dean's room, it smelt like cheap hookers and cigarettes. It smell disgusting.

"Dude, What crawled up your ass and died?" I joke horrendously

"Haah, Very funny. " Dean said sarcastically

"We have a werewolf case, get ready for it ." I said

"Did cas tell you? " Dean asked

"Yeah and I know how to activate them." I responded

" Okay" Dean said as I left the room. I opened the door to the sound of the shower running. Violet was showering. I decided to get dress. Violet soon got out of the shower dressed and dried her hair. After we all got ready to investigate, we got into the impala and drove off.

*1 hour later*

We arrived to the scene of what seemed like a werewolf case. We showed our badges and looked at the bodies.

"Looked like that werewolf got more that 2nds served for dinner." Dean said trying to be funny

We decided to find out how all of these victims were some how related or had things in common and we found out that they all received some kind of phone call the night before the deadly feast and some how met in the same place and were attacked by a werewolf. We went back to the Hotel and decided to sleep on it, well everyone but me. I stayed up researching about it when I soon received a phone call telling me to watch out. I soon went to bed after being creeped out by the weird phone call. I soon remembered that the victims received a phone call the night before they died .


I woke up Violet and Got dean and brought them into Violet and I's Room and told them I received a phone call late last night. They both gasp. I agreed on their reaction. We decided to hunt this thing down tonight, but if we wanted to get anything done, We needed to teach Violet stuff about the family business and how to hunt. Just in case her powers fail her. We showed up to an abandoned building and spray painted a target on the wall. We showed her how to shoot and then she did it herself. Dean had a girlfriend now so he was showing her as well but she works half the time. Violet was actually pretty good at shooting.

I received another phone call saying to meet at the park off of 4th avenue. We headed down there. We waited only 5 minutes and a man and a woman showed up. Ben Harmon and Hayden. What??!?!?!?

"Well, Hello , Violet." Ben said

"Fuck off , asshole." Violet said

" that's a rude way to treat your father." Ben said

" A real father doesn't kill his own wife." Violet said

" She sure was tasty, wasn't she Hayden? Almost as tasty as you will be , Violet." Ben said

Ben came closer and Violet got more and more furious with him. Next thing you know, Violet is pissed off. She strikes out her hand and Ben fell towards the ground. Dean shot Hayden in the heart with a Silver Bullet. I think Violet figured out how to use her powers. We were almost done. Dean was doing it with his girlfriend in the impala. So Violet and I waited it out by swinging and talking. She talked about how she almost killed herself before I came to the house for the case. She put her head down facing the ground as if she was embarrassed or depressed about it. I hopped of my swing and pulled her face up and moved her hair out of her face and kissed her. She kissed back passionately and slow. Even if she met me almost a week ago, it feels like we have know each other from birth.

"I love you, Sam Winchester." She spoke softly in my ear.

" I love you too, Violet Harmon." I replied back to her

Dean had his music playing from his impala while he made love to his girlfriend, Violet and I danced to the music and laughed. I loved this girl.


Hey hoped you enjoy the 6th chapter!!!! There is a lot more ahead of you!! Will Sam ask her out on a date? Will Violet continue hunting with them. Will e figure out Megatron's plans? Will we figure out Dean's mystery girl? All in the next chapter that I will post later today. THERE IS A LOT MORE TO COME . MANY MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!

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