Unveiling the stories of a horror show

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*Sams POV*

As I Searched the house, I couldn't help to noticed a guy that seemed very familiar, follow me down the stairs. I turned around and faced him as he gave me the death stare.

"Why are you following me? I said sternly, trying not to make the guy mad.

"You LIKE MY VIOLET?" The teen said angrily

" I I I I-I don't even know you and i have nothing to do with violet. I just heard music and walked in to checked the room, Alright?" I said

The angrily guy disappeared fast, perhaps thin air as if he were a ghost. I needed to finish searching the house. I walked downstairs to Dean and Ben. They were drinking beer and having a , what looked like, a good time. Wow, am I going to be doing all the work here on this case? I shurg and walk past the opening to the kitchen . I come upon a window paneled door. I tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge. I finally yanked it open with force. Dust came into air, filling with my coughs and sneezes caused by the dust. I notice there isn't any source of light. I walk down the stairs which lead to a basement. I see a shelf and immediately walk over to it. Baby legs and heads in jars with dirty water. I needed to figure out who lived in this house before the Harmons moved here. Oh, yeah. Research time

*Dean's Pov*

"So, who's the misses" I say as I look at a picture of what looked like a nuclear famliy. Possibly his wife and daughter .

"Uh, Hahah, That's my wife and my daughter" He says as he pointed to who was which and which.

" Ah.. Well looks like a great family you have here, Ben." I said nicely

" Well. if you will excuse me.... I have another patient. I will get with you soon, Dean." Ben said apologetically

As Ben walked into his office, I decided to go check on Sammy. I walked into the hallway at the same time Sam came out of the paneled door.

"Sammy, Whatcha find?" I said questioning him.

" Uh well, I found these jars that had baby body parts and all this old timey stuff. I was just about to go out to the car to go get my laptop for some research."

Sammy walked out the door and i waited for his return for his trip to the car and back. As he back in with his laptop, I grabbed another beer. Sam opened his laptop.

"So, I say Ben and his misses like doing kinky stuff with baby parts and old timey stuff" I say as I laugh kidding.

"Uh, well apparently not. The jars with the parts looked like they haven't been opened in decades. It turns out the house was built in 1920 by Dr. Montgomery and his wife Nora. Soon after they both attempted suicide. In 1950, some girls who were in college moved in and were soon murdered by a person of unknown. In 1970, A family moved in and soon burned to death. In 1990, another family moved in but later , their son was shot to death by the swat team. In the early 200, A gay couple owned in but were soon murdered by unknown." Sam said

" Christo" I said creeped out as ever.

"Hey guys , im going on a grocery run. I will be right back." Ben Said hurrying out the door.

*5 minutes later*

An old woman knocked on the door, before she could even say anything, she barged in.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The old woman said

" I could ask you the same. I am Dean and this is my younger brother Sam. We are helping Dr. Harmon out with some work." I said with a rude look on my face.

" I am Constance. I live next door." She said

"Oh, well. what do you need?" Sam asked almost rudely but plain

" I needed to talk to Ben but I see he isnt home at the moment." She said

"Uh yeah. Listen , do you know anything about this house?" Sam asked

" Well , indeed I do. Used to live here in 1990 until a tragic event happened and I ended up moving." She said cunningly

" Oh ." Sam and I said , inhaling sharply.

Violet's pov*****

I walked downstairs to Sam and his brother talking to the old hag who lives next door. I make a lot of sound, which ends up having everyone's eyes on me at that very moment. Constance and Dean continue talking, Sam excuses himself and walks over to me. I freak out a little bit because of a certain look on his face. He looked fierce and angry.

"What's wrong, Sam?"

"Well, Your little boyfriend, Tate.... Yeah he died here in the this house and murdered some of his classmates at school. For some reason, we can still see him appear in this house. It's odd." Sam Said.

"He isnt my boyfriend. I despise that asshole. I mean we used to be like glue and love each other but its too much. I know that he did all of that stuff. i just didnt want to freak you out and make you leave because I sorta like having you around even though you just arrived a few hours ago." I said tearing up a bit because of the details of Tate. Even though Tate and I were over because I called it off, still ached in my heart because he always looked sad afterwards and i cant help not to feel the guilt deep inside no matter how dark and twisted he might be.

" Its okay, Violet. We all have reasons. I need to get back to them , so I will see you around." Sam said as he smiled at me. I couldn't help to smile too. He couldn't be normal to even be around me.

I knew I liked him. I like Sam. But could this ever work? -

Author's note- Hey, it's Carlee. this is chapter 3 of Murder House of Love. I will be updating probably 2 times a day, Maybe even 3 times if I get enough time!!! I love you guys and i hope you guys are enjoying the road so far ;) -Carlee Winchester:)

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