Chapter Two

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**Stephen's POV**

June 10, 2010
12:14 p.m.

"Bruce." "Bruce Stop!" I exclaimed as I ran down the hallway towards Bruce, who was beating the living shit out of a kid.
"And why should I! Steph, you do this kind of stuff all the time!" Bruce let go of the kid, and walked up to me.
"Come on dude! You could've killed him!" "I mean, look at him!" I pointed to the kid, who was lying in a puddle of his own blood, with multiple bruises and cuts along his body. I honestly feel bad for him.
"He deserved it."
"Doubt it."

**Time Skip 5 mins**

The EMT's were all huddled around him, and this other man, which I'm guessing is his father, was screaming at Bruce, while all of his friends were cowering in the corner. I'm kidding.
We were told to go back to our classes, and finish our exams. I walked back to class hurriedly. Honestly, as much as I hurt people, I hate seeing people hurt.
God, I wanted to stay with him, I don't know why, it was just something about him.
He was beautiful. He had dark brown, almost black, hair, entrancing chocolately brown eyes, and amazing body, from what I could see. He was about 5'9, so he was quite short, but that didn't matter to me. God he was gorgeous.

I face palmed. I can't have those thoughts about another man, that's wrong! Atleast, that's what I was taught.
I hated that I felt like that. If anyone found out, my reputation would be ruined, and my parents would disown me.
I was taught that being gay or lgbtq+ was wrong, and that they would go to hell. I thought god was supposed to love everyone, even gays.

I sat back down and got back to my test, but I couldn't stop thinking about the kid I saw. I asked my friend Wanda,
"Hey," I tapped her on the shoulder, "Who was that kid that Bruce beat up?"
She laughed, she's a very mysterious girl, but she's lovely. If I was straight, wh-which I am, I would date her.
"His name is Anthony Stark, I'm pretty sure he's in your history class. He's a nerd."
I laughed, of course he was. If I even became his friend my reputation would go downhill. Planned officially ruined. I told her thanks and we both went back to our exams.

*Time Skip 30 mins**

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was my friend Logan.
"Hey Loki, what you want?"
"I heard there's a new Strip Club opening tonight on main. You wanna go?" He cackled. His brother Thomas turned to look at us, but I shooed him away.
"Dude, first of all, it's called Moonlight. Second of all, its a gay Strip Club."
"Okay, and?"
I laughed and shook my head. I forgot he was secretly gay. Logan and I have been friends for over 5 years. We practically grew up together, but I would never tell him how I felt about gays, or feeling romantic emotions towards men.
"Yeah man, we can go. But I'm not gonna drink, someone's gotta drive you home." He smiled and and thanked me. I turned back to my paper. God its gonna be awkward, going to a gay strip club, underage, and being straight.

This is gonna be a night to remember.

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