Chapter Five

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**Tony's POV**

June 11, 2010
9:00 a.m.

I wake up, i barely remember the night, yet somehow i can remember it all. confusing, i know. i had a terrible sleep, tossing and turning all night thinking about Stephen. Stephen. A perfect name fit for a perfect man.

Someone so masculine, yet so feminine. the perfect white stripe in his hair, no one knows why it's there but it is, and its gorgeous.

But that kiss, that was never meant to be.

I sat up in my bed and pondered, why? why did Stephen kiss me back? isn't he a super hardcore Christian, wouldn't he be banished to hell or something? i dont know, im am atheist i never tried to get into that stuff.

I walked out and downstairs and into my kitchen, grabbing an apple off the counter. i see my dad walk over to me, shame and sadness clouding his eyes.

"What is it dad?" i ask with confusion, i haven't seen him this sad since mom cheated on him the first time.

"Your mom... she," he broke down into my arms, sobbing loudly and painfully.

"What did she do dad?!" what in hells name could she have possibly done this time.

"She l-left!" he screamed, his scream was so full of pain and distrust i started to cry just for him. i hated my mother, so much, so i would never cry for her. i was crying for him because he was the only person in my life who cared about me.

I held him, we stood there for a long time. just holding him in my arms while he sobbed and screamed. she may have been abusive and she may have never loved him, but to him, she was god.

I was going to be late for school, but when am i not.

**30 mins later**

He finally calmed down, he walked back upstairs and quietly shut the door.

I walked out the door, off to school, wait no. i mean "hell". when i walk to school, i always pass by this little cherry blossom tree. a beautiful pink tree, an amazing place to take someone on a date. i start to think about Stephen again, but i always do, its normal.

I turned around the corner and i could finally see the building. i walk up and open the doors, and standing right in front of me were the people i least wanted to see.

Well, here we go again.

Author's Note: Hey Pals! I'm back! im really sorry i havent updated since January, I'll try to update more because i actually like writing this story. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter! -T

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