Authors Note // IMPORTANT

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Hey guys! This is my first book, so just a heads up it will be quite bad and very cringey. I gave Thor and Loki actual human names because everyone is human so theres no Asgard or anything. This is all I have to say, so like, have fun I guess, idek.

Anthony "Tony" Stark | Age: 16
Stephen "Dr" Strange | Age: 17
Steve "Captain" Rogers | Age: 16
Bruce Banner | Age: 17
Bucky "Buck" Barnes | Age: 17
Peter "Spidey" Parker | Age: 13
Wanda "Max" Maximoff | Age: 16
May "Auntie M" | Age: 36
Thomas "Thor" Odinson | Age: 18
Logan "Loki" Odinson | Age: 16

Tony's Parents
Stephens Parents
Strip Club Workers

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