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That day it was pleasantly windy. Even though the sun was high in the sky and burning like a furnace, the wind made it comfortable enough for you to be taking a walk.

You were strolling along the shoreline, where not many people usually went. That was mainly because the shore was lined by steep cliffs. You liked it here though. The ocean was beautiful and there were many animals to observe. Like that seagull that just flew over your head.

When suddenly you came to a stop. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked around you. There were voices coming from a few bushes nearby.

"....... excuse me, but I still don't think this is a good idea..."

"Don't worry, it will be only for a few days. I just want to know what... she... saw in this place enough to stay here."

The first voice was very quiet and timid, and it seemed like the person  was almost scared of expressing their opinion. The other person sounded tired, and there was a hint of sadness in their voice. Nontheless, they seemed happy about their situation, whatever that might be.

The first voice continued.

"Then why don't we visit her directly?"

"Because then Yellow will come after us, and I can't stand her constant nagging. Anyway, we should stop hiding already and go look around. We hid the ship perfectly, so we won't have to worry about somebody finding it."


And with that they both emerged from the bushes. And froze. They stared at you while you gawked at them with wide eyes.

The taller one from the duo was about 2 meters tall. She had white flowing hair and wore something that looked like a half hoodie and a half robe. She wore a long skirt with it, which was a very strange wardrobe choice to you.

The smaller one was about your height. Her eyes were completely obscured by her hair. She had a leotard on and a tutu.

All of their clothes were blue, but that didn't stand out to you to most, and that wasn't the reason you were staring. No, not only were their clothes blue, but their skin as well! And the taller one had the strangest pupils you've ever seen.

"My- uhm" the smaller person stuttered when the taller one poked her.

"I mean Blue... we seem to have found a local..." the way she said what seemed to be the taller persons' name was noticeably forced.

"O-oh... hello. My name's Blue and this is Pearl. And your name?"

"I... uh..." you didn't know what to say. Those were one of the weirdest people you've ever seen. Everything about them was just off. They probably weren't even people now that you thought about it.

"My name is... (Y/N)..." you introduced yourself. You might as well be polite, after you stared at them for a good few minutes.

"Alright. If you don't mind me asking, (Y/N), where are the nearest cubbies? We are quite, how do you say it, tired after our long trip." the taller one spoke again, with a small and obviously forced smile. Your eyes widened even more.

"The nearest what?"

You obviously caught them off guard. The smaller one - Pearl - stood on her toes and whispered something to Blue. She nodded and then looked back at you.

"Uhm... where do you usually, uhm,  rest?" Now that was a weird question if you've ever heard one. You were getting more and more confused by the second.

"In my... house?"

"Ah, so where is the nearest house then?" You just let out a confused noise.

"Uh, then, can we come to your house? We have no place to stay." Blue said as she put on a large smile. So did Pearl, only her looked more uncertain and forced.

"I, uhm..." you stuttered. You didn't know them, and they were really weird, but at the same time you found them oddly charming. They clearly weren't human, and they clearly knew nothing about human culture. They seemed like they would get lost immediately. You couldn't help but feel bad for them.

"S-sure? I guess?" you finally said. This time the smiles on their faces were wide and genuine.

What's the worst that could happen?

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