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When you reached home again, you were fairly exhausted. You ate a very simple dinner and wished the alien ladies good night.

"Oh, and please don't watch me in my sleep again... it's kinda... well, it's not something humans do."

You smiled as they both agreed and Blue apologised for their behavior. You managed to keep yourself from grinning like an idiot when she added that you looked cute when you slept.

Blue and Pearl sat in the living room, well, at least Blue sat, as Pearl couldn't bring herself to actually sit next to her Diamond. They were watching TV, something you showed them just before going to sleep. Suddenly, Blue turned her head towards Pearl.


"Yes, my Diamond?"

"What do you think about (Y/N)?"

Pearl thought for a moment, before replying "They seem nice enough."

Blue nodded and smiled.

"Yes, I think so too. To be honest, I thought we wouldn't find too many good things about this planet. But I feel like I learned so much already! And (y/n)... they're probably one of the nicest things about this place..."

Pearl looked at her Diamond questioningly. She already suspected the true meaning behind this sentence. She smiled. If Blue wanted to go forward with this , she would of course support her fully. She was only concerned about what Yellow and White would think.

When you woke up, you were pleasantly surprised that they did not watch you sleep again. You threw on some comfortable clothes and walked out of your room.  The second you came down to the living room, Blue immediately came up to you in a hurry.

"(y/n), we have a problem."

"Huh?" you said, still half asleep.

"Yellow wants to speak to me, she noticed I hadn't been to Homeworld for a while!"

"Uh... who?"

"Yellow Diamond! She is a Diamond, just like me. And she has far less patience for organic beings than me. She's coming to Earth!"

You still didn't really know what she was talking about, but you had a feeling this was very bad news for you.

"So what now?" you asked.

"I'm going to take you to Pink. She'll keep you safe while I go and deal with Yellow. Hopefully I'll be able to play it safe."

You looked up at her worried face, your expression being full of confusion. The more thought you gave it, the less sense it made to you. You just had to ask, right here, right now.

"I, uh-... may I ask why are you protecting me like this? You are a space queen, you lived for what, thousands of years? You are extremely powerful, and-" you cut yourself off before you could say 'beautiful'. Even in your distressed state, you didn't think it was appropriate. "Why would you risk a conflict with another Diamond just for me?"

You spat this out rather quickly, all your thoughts spilling out.

Blue took a long breath, at least what you percieved as a breath, because obviously, rocks don't breath.

"Because I care about you, (y/n)." The almost loving look she gave you almost killed you on the spot. A deep shade of red spread across your cheeks and you looked away, embarrassed.

"I, uh, care about you too, miss (y/n)" Pearl said, her voice a little stronger than usual.

You cracked a small smile and nodded.

"Alright. Take me to Pink then." you said with resolve in your voice.

You managed to barely grab your keys, phone and wallet before Blue took your hand and ran with you in tow toward the spot in the forest where you first met her. You would be a blushing mess in any other circumstance if she took your hand like this, but she ran so fast that you needed to put all your focus into keeping up. Pearl managed this surprisingly well.

Blue took you deeper into the woods than the path you met her on . Then you saw it. A large blue ship in the shape of an orb. The sun reflected off the shiny surface brilliantly. It was almost as beautiful as the alien queen still holding your hand.

"This is only a part of it. I left my bigger hand ship around the orbit of the moon." she said with a smile when she saw your amazed expression. Before you could look around more to fully take in the ship, Blue dragged you inside, with Pearl daintly stepping in after you.

Show Me {Blue Diamond X Reader} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now