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After a while of you standing there in a victorious position, and the two blue women looking shocked, you begun questioning if outing them just like that was a mistake. Then the bigger one stood up, and only then you realised how tall she really was. She easily towered over you with her 2 meters in height, and you couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't even her final form. You gulped.

"Please, human, don't shout it so loud." she begun, and you were surprised she didn't sound angry.

"We did not mean to frighten you, only to... learn a little more about you and your planet." Your eyebrows shot up on your forehead.

"S-so you're aliens..." You said quietly, and suddenly it all made sense. The talk about the 'ship' when you first met them, their strange manners, and even their skin color along with the taller one's pupils.

"Yes, I believe so, if the word means what I think it does. My real name is Blue Diamond and this is my loyal servant, Blue Pearl."

So that's why Pearl was so hesitant about everything! The more she talked, the more everything made sense. You slowly sat back down and Blue Diamond did the same. You leaned your head on your hand, proccessing all the information she just gave you.

"A-and what is the purpose of your... visit?" you asked, worried it will be something like galactic conquest.

"Exactly what I stated, just learning. You see, my sister was meant to conquer this planet." your expression immediately turned to worry. This was exactly what you were afraid of.

"However, instead of making this little ball of rock and water into a colony for our kind, she took liking to it, and decided to stay here." a hint of sadness crept into her voice and her gaze averted to the ground "Long story short, I wanted to see what she saw in this place... if there really is more to this planet than just usable resources."

You nodded slowly. You thought you were beginning to understand, but in reality, you still knew almost nothing. Then something occured to you.

"Wait, so if your sister was meant to like... rule this place... does that mean you're some sort of an alien queen?"

Blue Diamond chuckled.

"Yes, I feel that's just about right."

"O-oh...!" you exclaimed and got up, them bowed, thinking that's about the right way to treat nobility. When nothing happened, you looked at them, and they stared right back at you.

"What was that you just did?" Blue Diamond asked curiously.

"A-ah, that's something we humans do when we're in front of Earth queens... do you not... do that?" you asked nervously, fiddling with your hands. This time Blue Pearl spoke up.

"No, we do salutes. Like this." and she crossed her arms in a very weird way to form a diamond between her hands. You nodded and tried to copy, but it just really hurt your wrists.

"Owww..." you complained and BD chuckled again.

"Oh, don't worry about that, human. (Y/N), right? As I said, we are here on a friendly visit, so no need for formalities. I have but one thing to ask of you, (Y/N)."

You nodded. Now that you knew you weren't dealing with just some estranged weirdos, you felt a need to do your best for the sake of the whole humanity.

"Show me what this world has to offer. I want to experience it all." she asked with a smile and a glimmer in her eyes.

You cracked a smile and gave a nod. That wouldn't be too hard, after all, you knew a lot of things about Earth.

"Oh, but now that you know who we really are, there's no need for masking ourselves anymore." BD suddenly exclaimed. "Do you have any kind of large spacious area I could go to?" she asked.

You had no idea what she was talking about, but still you stood up and walked to the glass door leading to your back yard. There were a few flowers here and there that didn't require much care, and you used it for lazying around, so it was mostly just a big grassy area. You opened it and pointed outside.

"That's the biggest space I can provide for you at the moment without anybody seeing you."

They walked outside and had a look around. BD smiled.

"Yes, this will be good enough."

Then she started glowing. Your mouth hanged open as you stood next to Pearl, who had a small smile on her lips. BD's glowing body started growing and growing, her clothes also changed shape.

"ohmystarsohmystarsohmystars" you muttered when she finally stopped and a literal giant woman stood before you. She was about as big as your house and you gave a silent thanks to the fact your home was surrounded by trees. Your eyes could just pop out of their sockets. Now you understood why she was the queen of their race. You drew in a sharp breath when BP started glowing too, expecting another giantess, but instead just her clothing changed, exposing something on her chest. Now that you looked closely, BD also had something shiny on her chest. They must have been hiding those under their clothes.

"Ah, did we scare you?" BD spoke as she kneeled down, making it easier for you to look at her face.

"A-a little bit, y-yes." You stuttered, still in awe.

"We shapeshifted to blend in better amongst your kind. This is what we look like when in presence of other gems. We will still be using our disguises when out in the open, but I thought it'd be fair for you to know. You did decide to help us after all."

So this was it. You casually invited a space queen the size of a building and her servant into your home.

'what have I gotten myself into?!'

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