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You arrived at the Zoo after an hour of driving. This particular Zoo wasn't big, it housed only around 200 kinds of animals, but you figured it would be a good start for the aliens to familiarize themselves with the planet and the different life forms that lived on it, even though this was just a tiny sample. You paid for your tickets at the gate, not paying any mind to the weird stares you and your companions got. On your way there the ladies 'changed' their clothes again, so their shiny Gems, as they called them, were covered, but it still didn't hide their bright blue skin or Blue's pupil shape. You just hoped nobody would ask about it.

Immediately after you went in and gave Blue the Zoo map, she started looking around curiously, her eyes darting from the map to the nearby enclosures. "Up until now, I thought only my sister kept other species around for entertainment, but this..." she gestured towards the map "So many different species and that's only from this tiny planet!" She turned around and looked at you. "You humans truly are an interesting species..."

You weren't really sure how to respond to that, so you just nodded uncertainly, muttered a thank you and started walking through the park. You told the alien ladies some bits of trivia you remembered about certain animals, both of them genuinely interested in both the animals and what you had to say. Once in a while, Pearl was so impressed by an animal that she took out a strange floating screen and quickly sketched it. So far her favorites were the swans, of which she drew a lot of pictures one after another. You and Blue had to, almost literally, drag her away from their enclosure so you could get on with your visit. Blue seemed to especially like the big cats, her favorite being the elegant tigress that lazily peered at you from where she was perched on a tree. She and Blue were locked in what seemed to be almost a staring contest of two elegant and powerful beings. Then the tigress yawned, showing her big teeth and went to sleep in the sun. Blue laughed at this and asked Pearl to draw her a picture as well.

You thought to yourself that these animals strangely fit them and the interactions of the animals and the curious aliens were really cute.

The rest of the trip went really smoothly. You felt like you bonded with the two and you hoped it helped them understand what Blue's sister supposedly saw in this place. When you exited the Zoo, you turned to them with a smile. "So... did this experience help you in any way?"

Blue thought for a moment.

"Well, I think I know now why my sister liked the organics here. Some of these... 'animals', as you call them... were truly charming. However..." she said, tapping her chin with her finger in thought "I still don't get why she was so adamant about living here and keeping the whole planet in one place. We have amazing technology, we are capable of making ships of magnificent sizes and shapes, we could take a sample of every creature here, or just the ones she liked, and put them in a similar environment!" she threw her hands around in an exasperated gesture "We have done that already with the Human Zoo after all! What's the matter with doing it with other spe-" 

She suddenly stopped mid sentence, realizing what she just let slip past her lips. Her gaze slowly shifted to look at you. Your eyes were the size of saucers, your mouth slightly agape. You swallowed and said in a tiny, shocked voice.

"The hu-human what?"

"Ahhhhh..." Blue breathed out, cupping her cheek with one hand, her face twisted in an expression that screamed 'I fucked up'.

"Well... uh... we set it up a long time ago, we aren't going to pick up any more specimens, don't worry, haha." she stumbled over her words, trying to explain. You just nodded absentmindedly. "The thing is, well, we were certain that this planet was... going to blow up... due to... special circumstances..." she said slowly. She really didn't want to explain the cluster to you and scare you even more. "And so we picked up some humans to preserve the species. And uh... yeah. That's basically it..."

You nodded again, leaning against your car. You didn't know why this seemed like such a revelation to you, the urban legends about aliens coming down from the skies to kidnap people were rampant, so you were halfway expecting something like this. But the thought of a bunch of people being stuck for who knows how long on a space station hundreds of light years away was still very much distressing to you.

"How long... how long ago did you take them away?"

Blue was silent for a moment before she spoke up.

"I think it was over... 6000 years ago."

Your eyebrows shot up almost to your hairline. That meant the humans that were there now were at least the 100th generation, if not more. But, you got it in a way. It was the same reason why people kept animals from the wild in a Zoo. To preserve the species. But now that the danger was supposedly over, you were wondering one major thing.

"And you intend to keep them there?"

Blue was silent again, for far longer than before. The silence that now spread between the three of you was distressing to say the least.

"I don't know..." she said finally. "I would have to discuss it with Yellow. White wouldn't really care... I'm sure Pink would be all for this idea though." a small smile appeared on her lips when she mentioned Pink and you wondered what that was about. You didn't want to really admit it to yourself, but you felt the tiniest bit jealous, even though you had no idea who this 'Pink' person was.

"Okay... I guess." you responded stiffly, as you weren't really sure what to say otherwise.

"I hope this revelation didn't scare you, human."

You shook your head slowly and let out a strained chuckle.

"No, no, it just... caught me by surprise. Listen... may I please request that you talk about this with the people you mentioned? I know you just met me and I'm just a human, but..." she suddenly interrupted you.

"No, I get it. I will ask Yellow, and I'm pretty sure Pink will agree to let them go. I suppose I owe you this, since you've done this much for me already, even though you had no obligation. Pearl, write it down so I remember to ask them."

Pearl nodded, promptly took out the screen again and wrote it down. At least you thought she wrote it down, the letters appearing to you only as a collection of squiggles.

"Thank you, Blue." you smiled up at her. She smiled back.

"You're welcome, hu-... (y/n)."

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