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You took off at a speed you didn't think was possible, and even though the ship had to have some sort of gravity balancers, you had to hold on to Blue's throne-seat to even stay on your feet. And yet again, you were struck by the otherwordliness of your friends. Pearl, standing next to her queen as always, seemed completely unfazed, and only threw you a sympathetic smile. As soon as the ship leveled you stood up from your hunched over position and looked around the interior fully. It looked really... well... futuristic. There weren't any decorations to speak of, there were holographic screens and monitors everywhere and everything seemed to have a clear functional purpose.

"So... what do you guys do for fun?" you asked, trying to ease the tension that slowly crept inside the cockpit of the spaceship.

"Fun? Uhm... I'm afraid my position doesn't allow me much leisure. It really is hard trying to run an entire empire, you know? Well, a third of an Empire anyway."

"Oh." was all you could muster. You obviously couldn't relate to the responsibility of a space queen, that's for sure.

"Uh" piped up Pearl "I like to draw. Blue Diamond lets me doodle and draw portraits when I'm not busy with tasks. Wanna see this very funny picture of Yellow Pearl I made? I put a very big nose on her. It made her mad. But I think she'll forgive me." 

You had no idea who Yellow Pearl was, but you wanted to be polite and said yes. After all, from what you've seen of her drawings from the ZOO trip, she was very good at it.

So you spent the rest of the, rather short, trip looking at Pearl's drawings, and you told her about Earth art. Blue Diamond, not occupied with the controls, as they were seemingly automatic, watched you two with an adoring smile. She understood full well that if her ever growing fondness towards you came to light, her reputation would be ruined and both her fellow Diamonds would probably look at her with disappointment. You could cause such a scandal. But somehow she didn't mind. She felt a strange feeling in her chest, not unlike the feeling she had when she thought about Pink. But before she could think any deeper about this new problem, a screen showed up before her, telling her that they had arrived at Beach City.

When you stepped out of the space orb, you stared in awe at the  giant woman sculpture in front of you. And a ruined house in the middle of its midriff. Blue, now in her regular gigantic size,    sighed at sight of it.

"Such destruction... I hope Pink's not too angry about it." You didn't want to ask about it, as it was clearly a sensitive subject to her, but you had to wonder about this seemingly gentle giant's destructive capabilities.

"Pink! Hello? Please come out of your home, I have a favor to ask of you!" Blue shouted, not too loudly though, as to not disturb the surrounding town. You waited and you waited, but nobody came out of the house. 

"Hmmm, this is strange." Blue bent down and looked through a window into the house. "It appears tha nobody's home... ugh." Blue growled in frustration and bit on her fingernails. You walked up the steps and looked at a sign taped to the door. It read 'Gone construction shopping. Be back soon!' and a small doodle of a curly haired boy giving the peace sign. You sighed and shook your head.

"Yeah, I don't think the'll be here on time. When is this Yellow Diamond arriving?"

"Any minute now... Ohhhh no, this is bad." Blue ran her long fingers through her hair. "(Y/N)! I didn't want to do this, but our circumstances don't leave us much choice. You're going with me on my hand ship, since I can't just leave you here alone, and I'll hide you there somewhere."

You looked up at the sky. You wondered why Blue didn't just leave you at your house, but you guessed she just panicked and didn't think it through. You gulped. Time to see the moon up close.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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