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                           Cyan's POV  
    Cyan woke up, her stomach aching.
"Urgh..." she moaned covering her head with her pillow.

    Conner walked into her room. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"My stomach" she moaned.
"Told you!" Conner grinned.
"Stop.. jerk" She got up. "Get out of my room, I'm going to change my clothes"

   He nodded and left the room.
She changed into her Octo Layered LS and FishFry Bandana.

    "Want breakfast?" Conner asked, flipping an egg.
Cyan shook her head.
"I'm heading out" Cyan said, grabbing her Carbon Roller.
"Ok, be careful!"
"Bye!" She put her Octophone in her pocket.

    When she made it to the Sqaure she ran into Tyler.
"Hey Cyan!" Tyler waved to her.
She smiled at him.
"I have a squidphone now.. so do you want my number?" She asked.
"Ok... it's ***-****-****" Cyan said.
"What are you doing here anyway?" Cyan asked.
"Waiting for Gold and Shadow... we're  doing ranked today"
"What a ranked?" Cyan asked, confused.
"It's more competitive than turf war... but I think you'll like it" Tyler smiled.

     "Hey, there he is!" Gold ran to Tyler and Cyan, Shadow by her side.
"Ok, let's go" Tyler walked in Deca Tower, the other followed behind him.
                    Conner's POV
     Someone knocked on the door.
'Cyan's back?' Conner thought, walking to the door. When he opened the door he saw Agent 4.
"H-Hi" She stammered.
"What do you want now?" Conner asked, annoyed.
"Well... I was wondering if we could hang out..?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like... go to the movies.. Being that we're Agents so we can be friends..?"
He stared at her for a while.
"Fine... I'm Conner"
"I'm Faith!" She smiled.
"Be right back" Conner went upstairs to change into his Squid Satin Jacket and 14K Aviators.

    "What movie do you to see?" Faith asked.
"How about...Adrift?" Conner suggested.
"Sure... I'm booking the tickets now..There, booked three tickets!"
"Yeah... isn't your friend coming along?"
"I'll asked." Conner pulled out his squidphone.


                   Conner-TheAgent: Hey Cyan?

Octo_Cyan8: Yeah?

                    Conner-TheAgent: Want to go to the movies?

Octo_Cyan8: What's a movie

                   Conner-TheAgent: You'll see... be home in 30 minutes

Octo_Cyan8: Um... Ok

    "What'd she say?" Faith said.
"She's going" Conner replied, putting his squidphone away.

                      Cyan's POV
    "I have to go. I'm going to a the... movie"
Cyan said.
"Ok.. bye!" Gold waved goodbye.
Cyan decided to trade in 2000 coins for a ticket.
She ordered a Seanwich and a Special Saver Latte to go.

     She was eating her food on the subway.
She got strange glances from some squids but ignored them.
She could hear a group of squids talking. Something about there weapons or something.

    She got off at her stop.
"Hey Cyan!" Conner waved.
"Hi! Wait, isn't that-"
" is... we started off bad. But maybe we can make up? I'm Faith!" Faith smiled.
"Ok... but nobody told me what a movie is!" She exclaimed.
"Just hurry! We're going to be late" Conner said, grabbing Cyan's hand and running off.

3 hours later.

    "You guys make a cute couple!" Faith laughed. "Stop!" Cyan blushed.
"Are you guys dating?" Faith asked jokingly, still laughing. "No!" Conner and Cyan's face was red.
"Well it seemed like it when you cuddled against Conner" Faith grinned.

    "T-That because I was scared!" Cyan stammered. "Yea... Suree" Faith rolled her eyes.
"Let's go Cyan.." Conner murmured.
"Yeah.." Cyan looked down to hide her flustered face.

Hope you liked this chapter!
I'll started posting more tho...
And if you where wondering.... this story is looong way from being done so there's more to come ;)
And when the story does end... I have a sequel planned
Soo... Stay fresh Octo's and Squids!

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