Agent 3

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"So.. what is it?" Conner asked.

He had finally reached Octo Valley.

The term Octo Valley and Octo Canyon is used in splatoon 1 and 2. So excuse me if I keep switching between both.

"Well... Inklings have been going missing.. the culprit is leaving nothing behind but a... green goo type of thing..." Faith said.

"G-Green Goo...?" Conner said, his hands shaking. His eyes flashed a teal green-ish color before he passed out.

"Conner? Conner!"

Cyan was laying on the couch, watching tv.
'I wonder what Conner is doing...' She thought, grabbing a tissue and wiping her nose.

She then got a call from Conner.
"Hey where hav—"
"Cyan? I need you to come to Octo right now..."
"Faith? What are you doing with Conner's phone?" Cyan asked.
'Just come!' She said before hanging up the phone.

    Cyan got dressed in her suit and made her way to Octo Valley.

10 minutes later...

"What took you so long?" Faith said, she was leaning over Conner.
"What happened to Conner?" Cyan rushed over to his side.
"He passed out after I mentioned a green goo" She said.

"Oh no... did anything else happen?" Cyan asked, looking Faith in the eye.
"Well.. his eyes did turn a weird teal-ish color..." She explained.

"TarTar...." Cyan muttered.
"Er it's a long story..."

"Ugh...What happened..." Conner woke up, rubbing his head. "Nothing good...that's for sure..." Cyan said.

   Conner stood up, his eyes turning teal again.
"You thought you would be able to get rid TarTar...Well he's  back now.."

    "C-Conner..?" Cyan stepped back.
"You heard me.. prepare for battle 8..." Conner said.
"Conner..?" Faith said, stepping back to where Cyan was.
    "Ngh..." Conner eye's turned back to normal.
"G-Guys..?" He said.
"Conner... are you back?" Cyan asked, keeping her distance just in case.
He nodded, bitting his lip.
"I-I'm sorry.." He murmured.

    "It's fine..." She said, stepping forward.
Conner's eyes turned teal once again.
"Your a terrible least tell my the truth idiot!— Gah!" His eyes went back to normal again.
"I-I have to go..." He backed away slowly before superjumping back to his house.

    Conner sighed, laying down on his bed. "Great... now that...thing.... can go off any second..." he muttered, putting his pillow over his head.

    Conner was fully aware of when eyes eyes turned teal. He wasn't in control of his actions... yet what he did felt natural... he kept telling himself: 'That's not me... it's that dumb telephone...' But deep down inside his heart... he knew that was his true nature.

That was the true Agent 3.

Yeah sike... didn't feel like doing the picture book right now... so here's the nest chapter.

Until next time squids and octos... stay fresh!

𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 - 𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝟮 / ✔️Where stories live. Discover now