Chapter 1

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Karkats POV:

"Karkat get up!"

I groaned at the sound of Kankri's voice.

"NO!" I covered my face with a pillow hoping if I pretended I was fine he would be too.

"Karkat get up at 9nce!

"NO!IM FUCKING TIRED!" I threw the pillow at him. He dodged it which made me angrier.

"I am tired as well 6ut-"

"GO FILL A BUCKET!" I yelled.

Great... One giant lecture in 3...2...1-

"Karkat! H9w triggering that is t9 say t9 s9me9ne!!!! D9 y9u even kn9w h9w many pe9ple c9uld 6e 9ffeneded 6y that c9mmenr. I suggest that y9u watch what y9u say ar9und 9ther pe9ple unless y9u want t9 get caught up in the tr9uble of it. I mean seri9usly Karkat?!?! Fill a 6ucket?!?!? H9w dare y9u even think of saying that t9 s9me9ne or ANY9NE f9r that matter-"


"Karkat get up! we need t9 finish packing!"

Packing? Oh yeah...right......were moving.

"FINE...." I say closing my eyes. I hear him walk out of my room and I slightly groan.

I flip my feet off of my bed and I look at the time.

8:45! He woke me up at 8:45 just for me to finish packing!!!!

I sighed and walked over to my window.

It was sunny and just slightly windy. It looked like a good day.

My name is Karkat. Karkat Vantas.

I live here on Earth with my fucking annoying, lecture giving brother Kankri, and Porrim.

We are moving in two days to her sister Kanaya's state. Porrim had gotten a job transfer as her sister is letting us stay with her.

I have no idea where this place is but, it's better than this fucking place.

First of all, I hate my school.

It's filled with nothing but those fucking human bullies.

I mean....some humans are okay...but the ones that pick on me are fucking ass holes.

Trolls and humans aren't exactly the peaceful type with each other.

When my race first came to this planet the humans let us stay but they treated us like fucking trash.

I learned in history class about how the other human types were treated...and that's basically how we are to all humans. They take one loo at us and they think we are nothing.

I hope the new school I go to have nicer humans and maybe more of my race.

I only know kankri,Porrim, Kanaya, and my two friends Terezi and Gamzee.

I haven't seen Kanaya since i was younger. That's been years. She's seriously like my long lost sister. Well she acts like my sister whenever we see eachother.

I haven't seen Gamzee in a year. He used to go to my school but he had to leave. He's high all the time to control his....personality? He's normal when he's high but if he's sober he gets really abusive. That was a bad mistake before he left. He got into a big fight with a couple of humans. He put most of them in the hospital. He moved away after that.....

Terezi is my other friend. She lives down the street from me. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. She's also

She was really upset when she found out I was moving. She's also happy for me too, because I don't have to deal with all the bullshit I get here.

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