LA Bitches!!

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Emma's pov

"The Uber should be hear already." Cameron states looking around for our ride.

"The plane ride made me thirsty I'm gonna got get a quick coffee, anyone want to come with?" Ethan asks looking straight at me. I turn my attention to the cars speeding past us.

"Ooh ooh, pick me! please." Gray says jumping up and down waving his hand in the air.

"Yes, you in the back with the black sweatshirt." E says pointing to Grayson. Me and Cam laugh at Grayson being adorable.

"We will wait here for the Uber. Can you get me an iced coffee with cream and vanilla? Pretty please." I practically beg.

"Why would I spent my money on you princesses." He asks innocently, tilting his head slightly to the left and smiling. I pull out my puppy face and stand right in front of him for the full effect.

"Because you love me. And because I said 'pretty please'." I answer and look up at him.

"Ok fine, I'll get it." He caves.

"I love you more then he does, why can't I get it for you?" Gray whines hugging me.

"Ok if you really want to." I kiss his cheek as he pulls from the hug.

"Wait what? I thought I was gonna get it for you." Ethan jumps in feeling butthurt.

"Nope, I'm getting it because I love her more. She even kissed me on the cheek, so she even loves me more then she loves you. Ha!" Gray smiles.

"Oh yea well she..." Ethan begins

"Ethan!" I yell stopping him from finishing his sentence.

That was close.

"I will love whoever gets me my coffee." I add smiling looking between my bestfriends.

"Fine you can get it for her but..." Ethan stops to look around. We all wait patiently for him to finish."Only if you beat me there!" He says really fast as he starts running down the street.

"Ethan! Get your ass back here!" Gray shouts running after him. "She needs to love me more!"

"Jokes on them, The Starbucks is that way." I say pointing in the opposite direction of where the boys ran. Me and Cameron laugh our asses off in the middle of the street at their stupidity.

"You really have them bending over backwards for you." Cam says between laughs.

"Yea well its apparently always been a competition to have me love one of them more." A black car pulls up in front of us and rolls down the window.

"Uber for Cameron Dolan?" A man in a car asks looking up at us.

"Finally." Cam says relived we don't have to stand on a street corner anymore. We throw ours and the boys stuff in the car and head off to the hotel.


"I wanna go see the rooms, why do we have to wait here for them?" Cam complains.

"Because I don't think I'm gonna make it to the elevator without that coffee." I explain laying on the couch in the beautiful lobby of this amazing hotel. I sit up and look out side the main door to see Ethan and Grayson running and fighting to get inside first and give me my coffee. Gray runs through the doors and almost trips over his own feet.

"I win! You lose! She loves me more!" Grayson yells at E. "Here babe." He says handing me the coffee and collapsing beside me on the couch.

"Yea well I paid for it." Ethan states and he sits on the other side of me resting his head on my shoulder.

My best friend's brother//Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now