~"its fluffy...but it dissolves"~

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"Ah Ben. I love this. Me and you watching this movie while cuddling. It's...it's perfect right now."
"Yeah, I'm loving this. Mostly because I get to be with you. You're the reason why I always look forward to waking up. Because I get to wake up and see you....mmm sorry if that sounded weird...." He looked away while blushing.
You grabbed his hand and kissed it. "It wasn't weird, it was actually cute. Hey...I have an idea! We could go to the carnival and go hang out over there. Since we don't have anything to do today and we are alone, why not?"
"Hmm...sure. I just need to get ready."
"Haha ok. I better get ready too." Since you already showered, all you had to do was put on some jeans, brush your hair and put on your sweatshirt.
"Ben! Are you ready yet?" You walked in on him when he was putting on his boxers.
"Ben are you ready to go- SHIT IM SO SORRY BEN!!!" 0.0
When he came out, he looked like a normal teenager. A really hot teenager.
"Ben- you look...hot" you blushed then looked away before Ben could see.
"Haha thanks. Well, shall we go?"
"Yes, let's go. We are gonna have a good time." You walked out of the mansion, hand in hand.
~le time skip~
"Ben, let's go get some cotton candy!!!!"
"Ok. But what if I don't like it? This is gonna be the first time I try it..."
"It's ok Ben, if you don't like it, then I won't force you to eat anymore."
When you were getting the cotton candy, you asked Ben what flavor he wanted.
"Hmm. Let's go with the blue one."
You paid the lady for it and you went to a table and sat there with Ben.
"Ok Ben, the moment of truth. It's time for you to try it."
He got a piece, put it in his mouth and swallowed.
"It's actually really good. At first it's fluffy...then it dissolves." He went to grab more.
"So Ben, since we got some cotton candy and we went on some rides, are you ready to go? I am but I don't know about you. We can stay longer if you want to."
"No, I'm ready to go. When we get home we can continue to cuddle and watch a movie. Haha today is really fun so far."
"Ok let's go."
As we got to the mansion, slenderman was there, waiting for us.
"Children, where were you two? I wanted to let (name) know that she has to go back to the human world to get her stuff if she wanted to live with us."
"Ok. Is it ok if me and Ben go now? We have some time to spare..."
"Yes child, you may. But be back before nighttime because then, it gets dangerous outside. Do you understand child?"
"Yes, I do. Ben, let's go. This may take a while..."
As we held hands and walked into the portal, I started thinking about moving in. It was kinda sudden since I was only there for a couple of days but I guess it was better than being alone. Plus I get to be with Ben, which would be awesome.
~le time skip AGAIN~
"Ok Ben, let me just get my bathroom essentials and we shall go."
You didn't really have much stuff since it was only you living there. Basically all you had were clothes, bathroom stuff, bedroom stuff and some pictures. Of course you had some cooking stuff but you didn't bother to get those.
"Fuck (name) it's 5:30! We need to go now."
As you grabbed your stuff, you heard a familiar voice behind you.
"Haha so, you moving in? Wow, I guess Ben really does love you...how sweet. Well I guess you would expect that from a pussy like him."
"Jeff! What the fuck are you doing here???"
You grabbed a knife that was on your counter and held it up to protect yourself but Ben was already there.
"Jeff, get the fuck away from her. And go away."
"Why should I? Well, we used to be bros before she came into the picture. I bet she doesn't even know about you and Jan-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I don't even know why I didn't end you earlier. You deserve the pain."
"Deserve? Haha why do I deserve the pain when I did NOTHING."
"You hurt her and nothing can take that away. Once you did, it hurt me, I'm not gonna lie. You deserve the pain that she and I felt when you hurt her."
"I don't even have time for this. I could end you here right here and right now but it's just gonna be a waste of my time. I have people to kill. Goodbye bitch. I'll see you real soon."
He left and while Ben was helping you get your stuff, you fainted. You didn't even make it to the door.
~what is up with all these le time skips???~
"She's waking up!!!"
"Shut up guys she's needs the silence to adjust."
"Quiet down children. (Name) are you ok? Here, here's some water."
"Ben? Ben where are you?!"
"Shh child, he went to go out the rest of your bags in his room. He'll be back shortly."
As Ben walked into the room, you got up off of the couch and ran to him.
"Ben, was Jeff really there or was I going crazy?... Oh, and thank you so much for getting my stuff. I love you."
"I love you too. And yes, Jeff was really there. But don't worry. If we stay here, he won't harm you. As long as you have me, you won't get hurt."
You both walked up to his room and you started unpacking.
"Ben, is it alright if I put my stuff in your room?..."
"Yes, it's fine. Here, let me help you."
When you two were finished, you had a strange feeling that swept over you. You suddenly felt like you were at home. Like you belonged.
"Ben, I love you."
"I love you too (name)" he kissed you and he gave you a big hug.
"I won't let anybody touch you, never."
You both laid down and fell asleep in each other's arms.
"Goodnight Ben."
"Goodnight (name), I love you so much."

Ben Drowned x reader (warning: gets lemony later on :3)Where stories live. Discover now