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Vizz, viz. The vibrating sound repeating pulls me out of sleep. Its sound breaking the peaceful dark silence within our bedroom. With a groan and reluctance, I momentarily relinquish the embracing comfort and warmth beside my sleeping mulatto.

Turning over grab my phone's alarm pressing 'Dismiss'. Just a few more minutes. Returning to my previous heavenly comfort drifting back to sleep. Five minutes later, Vizz viz. Vizz viz Uugggh, gotta get up.

Again I turn over this time pulling away my sheet preparing to sit up. Reaching for my phone, rubbing my eyes to focus on looking at its display, 4:10 am

Looking over to Sir Snore-A-Lot who remains asleep. He's snoring so loud, I think the dead left their grave during the night and moved to the next town over!

Before getting ready to leave our bed, I lean into his sleeping form, whispering "love you." Then slide slowly out of bed. Mindful not to make too much movement so as not to wake my mulatto.

Some kind of noise breaks the stillness within our room with the jibber of a mumble made. Then mulatto turns his head away, returning it back into the depths of the pillows.

Giving voice to mulatto's mumble, Sable causes me to smirk from his wulf spoken response "he said he loves you to mate.". " Thanks, Sable." knowing Sable's passionate love for me rivals Alejandro's own. Showing his complete devotion to our bond. Sable made a point to clarify the mumble.

After washing up, I put on the plaid blue pajama pants hanging on its hook behind the door with my bathrobe. Tying its drawstrings together. I exit our bathroom heading towards the bedroom door. Yet for a moment passing him. I hesitate at the foot of our bed.

Forgetting the brisk hallway air beyond, the coffee waiting for me, and the cargo deadline I will soon sit in front of my computer to meet. I stand there solely contemplating how blessed I am to have my destined mate.

Alejandro lays face down on his stomach, his head half-buried between his pillow and mine. My eyes roam, following the silhouette of his form beneath the thin mustard color, sheer sheet attempting to keep him warm.

Compared to the warmth my body so often gives besides his.....  It is a poor substitute.

The sheet does not fully sheath the body of my mocha complexioned mate's occasional shifting form. Ignited, my loins stir from what I see. That same object is the fuel of my addiction and a partial reason for it always being marked.... his beautiful mocha ass.

One half of a perfect set. Its oval shape covered with thin barely noticeable hair follicles exposed this way for my eyes only. My focus centers on it like the rings of a target.

From the closeness of this distance. I see the red beauty marks left from last night's sexual ravaging. The vivid blood spotted marks cause an stronger stirring to my loins. It begins aggressively rising and bulging more and more. Outlining its form against my pajama pants, it thickness expands outwards my waistband.

The steady pulsating throb in my crotch causes me to move my hand to shift my dick for better comfort. However, instead of me immediately moving my hand away.

I start slowly groping myself with increasing the tempo earnestly. Squeezing harder and harder. My mouth salivates with my lingering gaze. The fire to have him growing becoming an all-out FUCKING INFERNO! UGH!!

Witth irritation, I stop myself saying "Better fucking leave before I attack him again, adding more hickies to that MOCHA ASS."

As if supporting my decision "Let him sleep Ruben" Says A baritone wulf spoken voice flatly "Can't help it bud. I have an insatiable lust for him." Chuckling I admit, I am SO ADDICTED TO HIM! 

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