-Pure Beta-

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Some distance away, I lay with Faust side by side, ears picked up fully. Attentively Watching the small family reassure one another they are safe. Pain in our chests with a lump in our throats. A whine briefly escapes us. Carmen wulf speaks to me "Beta You disappeared. Your watching them aren't you?"

He's changed as for the first time Randall's answer shows me is all Beta. "Yes, Delta I am their Beta I will remain by their side." In his wulf speak I notice it there. There is something rooted powerfully in him now. His response carries authority and conviction unlike before, My beloved little brother, Student and flairy friend is disappearing. He is my Beta. "Yes Beta" She smiles after ending her Wulf speak. The time is coming and they.... are ready.

I look to my Beta and mate. I sense it, something was different. Something happened with my mate going to save Luna. Something that changed him. Coco spoke to me while staying fixated on watching the family "I am losing my brother's Faust, because of that bastard. I lost one of my family and I can't stop the other's pain." His increasingly glowing beta form demonstrate his underlying angry emotions.

I understood. In that moment, Randall my mate was no longer there. He was becoming my Beta. Slowly I stand up, lick my mates head, and whisper with a whine "Don't you get lost on me COCO." Silently I turn, head up my eyes half closed and my tail is down. I walk towards the packhouse leaving my mate; no. Leaving my Beta alone to watch the trio.

He's my destined mate, yet I never turned my head to look his way. Where before I would have said something witty. Now, I could not. I am Beta and will watch over them. I will Protect them with my life. Keeping harm far away from them. Let them heal. My Alpha, Luna, and my nephew. This would be their time. I will allow no-one to bother them. Not now, they need this. I sit up now sensing the air particles fold in on themselves, something behind him. Sensing HER.

"Hi mama."

Stepping out from within the portal Cocoa sensed my presence before he even sees me. But his demeanor has changed. I know this behavior well, I saw it in for years Carmen when she was my Beta. I speak to my son "COCO. You can't do this." He finally breaks his line of sight. Turning his head to me "I am Beta of this pack mother. My ALPHA & Luna are in turmoil. I will not fail them."

Looking to my son, I see it my son is disappearing, so changed so powerful. So deep in his own pain just like his brother, Luna. I phase and hug my son's wulf form. At last, Coco closes his eyes at my embrace silently placing his head past my shoulder resting it onto my back. But it is the only muscles he moves. "There baby, we will bring him back" and pull back to kiss his forehead

My voice like my emotions reflect in my Wulf Speak to my mother I am lost in both emotion and spirit "Mama Alpha." Yet, I do not move from my spot. mama continues hugging me.

When I finally let go, I sit next to him "I spoke with the Goddess about why this happened Randall. Because of Crimson's element and the true level of his power. Ruben never allowed Crimson to take full control in any situation. They often fought wills for dominance. He feared losing Alejandro and worse, he would not save him in time. As he gave in to the Necromancer's words, It was then Ruben saw it.

Crimson's overwhelming desperation. Because it was not only for Sable but just as desperate was it for Alejandro. At that moment Ruben realized how wrong he had been all these years of Crimson and of Crimson's own determination. Aside from the goddess, he alone knows the depth of Crimson's power. Finally, to make amends in his shame he retreated his will, showing Crimson he trusted him to save Alejandro, his most precious treasure. Ruben chose to enter deep sleep suppressing in totality, his human spirit. Sleeping within the only other being he knows will give care for his mate as he will, Crimson. Only Alejandro can return him to us, baby. Just like Ruben returned Alejandro to us."

Hearing mama's words, I look at my brother-in-law's Wulf, pride within my heart from the thought which briefly enters it "They really are destined mates huh mama Alpha" I smile now "Yes baby They are." She responds. Coco phases. In human form I hug my mother.

This time I do smile asking "mama, can you make me some of your delicious Peppered Steak?" She responds to her baby with a tender joke in her throat and a kiss on the cheek "of course papi (baby)"

Walking away with one of two babies thinking "Thank you goddess. For helping me begin healing this baby of mine. Pls help me awaken Ruben to heal my other one."

I look at my brother-in-law's and my nephew wulves, asleep. Between them, in deep emotional despair, is my brother also asleep. I allow my mother to gently pull me to the packhouse, but shoot my alpha my wulf speak "My brother, Bring him back."

I lift my head softening my look towards my Beta answering "I Promise" then return my head gently, softly onto Alejandro's sleeping form. As my eyes close I hear Beta one more time "I wasn't talking to you." I turn away with mama now heading to the packhouse but hear Crimson's response "I know... My Beta."

The very next day I held counsel with the pack. Informing them of the outcome from my mate's rescue. While not saying a word. The counsel remaining quiet understood. I had the mystics together with Cary, perform a very powerful spell to cloak me in my human form as Ruben for work, then another to conceal me from all the wers within two miles of me while working so as not to be detected. As much as I felt uncomfortable in this guise. It was necesary for the protection of the pack.

However, thru it all I desired nothing better than to be done with this conference and beside my human mate. The conference shortly concludes and I am relieved. Looking inwards, I speak to the sleeping form of Ruben "We need you my soul companion. Wake up Ruben, he needs you like I do I am a wulf and my mate is dying day by day. Alejandro is hurting and I can't stop his pain RUben. Only you can do so wake up." He does not answer.

In the weeks that followed Since returning, Alejandro gradually became more withdrawn from everyone, not even his work as a sign language interpreter previously motivating to him to work, gives him any now. I see the light in his eyes gradually fading. His smile which makes me feel like a cub is almost completely gone. At my orders, only closest family members were allowed to stay by his side. Even then, it was when Kodiak or myself could not be there. Kodiak especially never left his father, bringing his legal studies with him. Either at his side, in the same room or in close proximity. Leaving when another of the family or myself came.Having concluded the meeting, I leave them to head upstairs. 

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