Chapter 1

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I was out in the woods with my bow and arrow hunting a deer that I've been tracking for miles.

"Found ya" I whispered. Finding the buck a few feet away from me, I grabbed an arrow, put it on my string, and pulled back so my hand was next to my chin "Come to momma" I whispered. I almost let go of my arrow but I felt a searing pain in my thigh making me yell in pain and making the deer run away "Son of a bitch" I cursed at my attacker and for the deer running away.

I heard movement to my left and I saw 2 men running towards me: one had a rifle and he was bald, wearing a wife beater top and the next dude was holding a crossbow he had hair, wearing an angel wing vest and had a slight beard coming in. I pointed my finger at the crossbow dude "You owe me another deer you dick!" I screamed.

"He doesn't owe you shit" bald man responded. The pain was getting so bad that I started to cry and rock back and forth trying to ease the pain but it made it worse.

"Shit, you're losing a lot of blood I'll take you back to my camp and they'll patch you up" crossbow dude said, he picked me up as if I didn't weigh anything.

He started to walk back where he came from "What's your name?" Crossbow man questioned "My name's Anna" I huffed, "What's yours?"

"My name is Daryl and that's my brother Merle" he replied. "How old are you sweet cheeks?" Merle asked.

"I'm 24 and I don't date old men"

"I'm not that old I'm 31 and my little brother is your age" he answered. I nodded my head and sucked in air when Daryl moved my leg "Sorry" he mumbled.

"Can you guys speed up? I would like to get there before dark and I'm feeling a little woozy" I slowly asked blinking away black dots from the corner of my eyes.

Next thing I knew they're running and I saw a camp next to a quarry but it was quickly blocked by a chest, I looked up and saw he had black hair and green eyes 'he's attractive' I thought until he pulled a gun out of his holster and pointed it at my head 'nevermind' "oh great another asshole" I blurted out without realising it.

Gun holding man looked down and glared at me. I just smiled and waved "Move Shane she's hurt she needs to see Lori" Daryl said.

Shane and Daryl had a staring contest until I broke it "Hello girl here who has an arrow in her thigh and in pain" I groaned. Shane looked at me, shook his head and walked off. "Assbutt" I commented. In the corner of my eye I saw Daryl's lip twitched up into a smirk. He started to move again we walked through the camp with everyone staring at me and Daryl.

We were in front of an RV, Daryl opened the door and he slowly set me down on the couch apologizing when I hissed in pain "Stay here and I'll go grab Lori to fix you up" he said. I nodded and grabbed my thigh in pain making the pain worse so I let go.

A minute rolled by and the door opened, a girl with black hair and blue eyes came in. She saw me on the couch and smiled "Hello, my name's Lori" she said. I nodded "My name's Anna" I replied, "So doc do you think I'll make it?" I asked, playfully.

She laughed and looked at my thigh "I don't know miss Anna I think we need to cut your leg off" she said, seriously. I stopped laughing looked at my thigh and back at her "You're-you're joking right?" I asked, my whole body shaking. Lori started to laugh "Yes I'm joking we just need to rip the arrow out put some hydrogen peroxide on it and stitch it back up" she explained. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "Okay" I said calmly. Lori nodded and looked around the RV.

She stood up and began to undo her belt "Woah woah woah I just need my thigh looked at" I said jokingly. Lori smiled and undid her belt she folded it in two and gave it to me.

I took the belt and looked at her my eyes showing confusion "You need something to bite down on when I rip this out of your leg" she explained. My mouth formed in 'o' I took the belt and put it between my teeth. Lori sat back down and she touched the arrow making me jump Lori calmed me down and grabbed the arrow in her hand she looked at me and I looked at her with fear and pain showing in my eyes "I'm gonna count to 5, okay?" She said I nodded and closed my eyes hearing her count.


I clench my teeth and let out a huge scream from the pain I felt. I looked down and saw the arrow wasn't in my thigh anymore but in Lori's hand, I looked at the tip of the arrow and saw black dots clouding my vision I started to wobble and I flopped on my back sleep taking over me.

When I woke up I saw I had no pants on and my thigh was stitched up. I scratched my head and slowly stood up being extra careful with my leg I looked at the table in front of me and saw a pair of pants laying on it with a note on top with some pills laying by the pants.

I got up and limped my way over to the table I picked up the note

'Anna here is some pants for you I cut up your old pair to stitch your leg up and I got you some pain killers in case your thigh acts up. After you put the pants on come outside and meet our group I'll be waiting -Lori'

I set the note down, grabbed the pair of pants and slipped them on. Next, I grabbed the pills and swallowed them dryly. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door and saw everyone staring at me I walked down the steps, closed the door, and looked at everyone until my green eyes met another pair of green eyes I knew to well "Sophia?" I questioned.

Sophia cocked her head to the side in confusion then after a couple seconds she recognized me "Anna?!" Sophia squealed.

I started running towards her my wound long forgotten "Sophia!" I yelled, excitement in my voice.
Sophia got up and started running towards me "Anna!" She yelled.

We met each other half way and collided into each other in a hug we fell down to our knees hugging and crying, happy that we found each other again.

I pulled back and looked at her I wiped the tears coming out of her eyes but new ones took over I pulled her back into my shoulder and kissed her beautiful gold hair.

"Sophia, come to mommy we don't know who she is" Someone said. I looked up and met another pair of green eyes I knew too well "Hi momma" I said.

Carol stopped and looked at me and slowly started running to us going faster each second "Anna baby" she said. She slid onto her knees and hugged both of us peppering my face with kisses.

I started to cry harder missing my mom's kisses I wrapped my arm over her shoulder and my other arm wrapped Sophia. We were all laughing and smiling finally to be back with each other.

I heard Sophia gasp, me and mom looked at her she was staring at my leg. We both looked down and blood was staining my pants mom gasped and I started to swear then the next second I started to whimper and groan loudly in pain my adrenaline gone and the pain came back. It felt like 1,000 bees are stinging me on the inside of my thigh. Daryl picked me up and walked to the RV again followed by Lori, mom, and Sophia. Lori grabbed the needle and thread 'all aboard on the pain train choo choo'

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