Chapter Three

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     I take a seat and can feel glares from everyone in the room. Even the animals. Did I mention this classroom is like a zoo? There's animals everywhere! I see a baby tiger in its cage growling at me and I give it a nasty glare and it stops.

     "That's Tasha," the professor says. Who was the headmistress until the great, powerful, Rumplestilkin took over.

     Gilly walks up to Professor Flora's desk and talked quietly. I strain to hear what she's saying. But I do here what Flora says: "This school doesn't need saving, Gillian. You'll just make things worse for everyone and yourself. Now go sit down."

     As she walks by I smile at her evilly. She sits back down.

     A gnome girl with a raven raises her hand. "Rowan keep eating my breakfast along with hers!"

     "You have to get stern with her," Flora says. "If miss-"

     "Mother!" Her daughter Drasila interupts by barging in through the door. "Asila keeps stealing my hair brush!"

     "It's my hair brush, Drasila!" Asila snaps.

     "Will you four, one by one, come up here and tell the animals about yourself." Flora says as she follows her daughters out the door.

     I get up first and step forward. All eyes are on me again.

     "Hi, I'm, Zalie," I say. "I'm in this place because I was working with Rumplestilkin. I'm stubborn, have a nasty temper-this is ridiculous! It's not like animals are going to understand me anyways!"

     "Yes they can," I hear Maxine say and turn around. "You just have to listen like they do."

     "I wasn't asking for your opinion, troll," I snap and she sinks in her chair.

     I hear a vibration and a cage disolve and turn around. Ok. . . Nothing's there. I hear a squeak from my desk and turn around. A beige and white mouse with a pink nose sits on my desk sniffing the air. I hold put my hand and let the mouse crawl into it.

     "Cute," I say. "I'll name you, Yetti."

     Yetti squeaks in approval and I pet her small head with one finger.

     "Ha! You got a mouse!" I hear Gilly laugh and turn around to glare at her.

     "At least she's  more cuter and obedient compared to you!" I snap.

     Jax goes up next and tells the animals about himself and get a chihuahua. Ollie goes up and gets a parrot. Then Gilly.

     "Hi my name is Gillian Cobbler," she says "I'm really nice-"

     Jocelyn scoffs. "More like self-centered."

     "And you hate everything girly even if you have that purple streak in your hair," Kayla says.

     "Stop telling then stuff about me!" Gilly spats "That's my job!"

     Students start screaming and jumping up on their chairs. A gnome boy climbs up a bookshelf. A brown mouse lands at Gilly's feet.

     "I got a mouse?!" She exclaims. "There has to be a mistake!"

     "You were saying, Cobbler?" I say smiling mischievously at her.
     "The animal chooses you," says a girl who I know as Haley. She pucks up the mouse. "It's cute."

     She hands the mouse to Gilly and it nips her.

     "Ow!" Gilly screeches and drops the mouse.

     Haley picks it up and places it on Gilly's desk. Then walks back to hers.

     Flora walks in and Gilly sits down.

     "Now," she says like she was here the whole time. "Before you leave, you must put your fairy-pets in there cages."

     There's no way I'm letting Yetti stay in that cage over night. She could get eaten by that tiger!

     "But, Professor, the other animals hate Peaches," Maxine says.

     "Because, she eats everything," a troll says.

     "Soon she might eat me and Pellets!" Cries a pixie holding a really small cage with a pink small fluff ball in it.

     Maxine holds Peaches close to her chest. "Don't listen to those meanies!"

     "Those 'meanies' are right," I say and everyone looks at me. For the third time today. "Who knows, she could eat Yetti. Probably even you."

     "Miss Zalie, that is enough!" Flora scolds.

     "What are you going to do about it?" I challenge and someone queitly 'oohs'. "Lock me in the dungeon?"

     The bell chimes to let us know class is done. No one dares to move.

     "Miss Zalie, this behavior is unacceptable!" Flora scolds.

     "So?" I ask. "the whole point about this place is to become evil. Your not in charge anymore, Flora, deal with it."

     "Class dismissed," Flora says hoarsly and everyone leaves the classroom.




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