Fight (part 5)

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The war had started and I was stuck tied up. I tried to wiggle my self free, doing anything that could loosen the ropes. Nothing worked. I was abound to give up when a knife landed right next to me. I wiggled over to it and grabbed it. It took me 5 minutes to finally get free.

I stood up and scanned the battle field. And then I saw him, Daniel. He was heading back into the prison. I started running there, we needed to defeat Kronos. I ran through hallway after hallway until I came to a room that had nothing in it. Daniel turned and noticed me for the first time. His golden eyes bore into mine.

"You were foolish to come here, Half-Blood," Kronos said.

"Yeah, well you are going down!" I said and charged with my sword out.

Kronos caught the blade on his, but I felt him falter because of how much strength I had. I pushed him harder and he stumbled back, I quickly cut him on the leg. He yelled in pain. He started coming at me, but he kept limping so I had to resisted the urge to laugh. He raised his sword to attack my head. I quickly blocked it, but then he moved his other hand and grabbed my hood and pulled it down. I was so stunned I barely had time to react when he started towards my legs. I blocked and used more energy yen I thought I had, fueling it with anger. He kept taking a step back away from me and he fell. But how am I supposed to find his weak spot?

I quickly thought of an idea. It used what I've been learning on Chaos. I held up my hands and thought about the water in Daniels blood and I started to control his body. I made him stand up, having his arms and legs spread apart. I used the water in the are to make millions of pointy icicles and I launched them at Daniel. They covered every inch of him so he looked like a porcupine. Kronos screamed in agony as he died and then he stopped. I smiled at a job well down.

"Percy?!" Some one said in astonishment.

I looked and for the first time noticed the iris message. It showed all of my friends tied up.

"Where are you?" I asked, feeling horrible already.

"A cave, that has a blue light shining out of it," Annabeth said.

"Okay," I said. "I'll be there in a second."

I ran out of the jail and looked around at the caves and finally found the one with blue light coming out of it. I walked into it and around a corner and saw my friends, and then saw Hyperion.

"Give them back!" I yelled to him.

"I will," He said. "If you do something for me."

"Yes," I said. "I'll do anything."

"I understand you've been to Tartarus before," he said and smirked.

I gulped. I could not go there again. Never ever, ever. I wouldn't be able to take it.

"That portal there sends you directly to Tartarus," Hyperion said. "If you go through it, I swear on the river Styx I will let them go."

I stared at my friends. I couldn't let them die. My life for there's, that wasn't such a bad deal. I nodded and turned to face the portal.

"Let me go with him!" I turned at stared at Annabeth like she was crazy.

"Let me go, also," Artemis said.

"Fine, you shall all die in the, pit," Hyperion said and undid Annabeth's and Artemis's bonds.

They ran over to me and Annabeth hugged me and started to cry.

"Let's go," I said fake cheerfully.

Annabeth nodded. And the three of us headed in to Tartarus.

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