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"What's going on?" Annabeth asked as we ran down to the fight, everybody turned to us and stared, I guess we were supposed to be in Tartarus.

"Just tell us," I said, I had put my hood back on, because everybody didn't know who I was.

"It seems like Hades is trying to attack us," said a child of Demeter.

I suddenly thought if Katie and Nico which made me hold back tears. I could get them to join Chaoses army, everything would be okay, I told myself.

"Let me go talk to him," I said as I made my way to the front of the huddled group of Half-Bloods.

When I got out of the crowd I saw that Hades was still pretty far away, but he was coming in fast, he had a bunch of dead soldiers behind him. Some one tapped me on the shoulder.

"Maybe we should speak to the gods," Artemis said.

"Let me just figure this out first," I said, and right when I said it I got my answer.

"It is me," Hades said. "The forgotten god. And I am here to finish the war I started."

"Wait, the forgotten god," Frank said, from the crowd.

"We need to talk to the gods," I said urgently.

Artemis nodded and grabbed my arm, suddenly I wasn't at camp anymore, I was standing in the throne room of the gods. All of them were staring at me and Artemis, but mostly at me.

"Okay," I said awkwardly.

"Percy?" Hermes asked.

"What?" I said, how did they know?

"It's okay," Poseidon said. "They know."

"Oh," I said and pulled down my hood, I didn't feel very comfortable with all the gods knowing who I was.

"So, what do you want?" Zeus asked Artemis.

"Hades is possessed by the forgotten god and we need assistance," Artemis addresses the gods.

"That is a demigod matter, we do not need to help," Zeus said.

"What? This is totally a god matter, the forgotten god," I said, madly at Zeus, couldn't he just help out this once.

"No, the forgotten god used to be a demigod, so Demigod matter," Zeus said.

"A demigod?" I asked, very confused.

"Yes, a very powerful one, but then all the power went to his head when we made him a god," Ares explained.

"But he's still a god," I protested.

"Deal with it on your own," Zeus said. "Artemis come here."

I watched a Artemis reluctantly walked over to her throne. Then I was standing back at camp half-blood near the cabins. I could here the fighting, and it sounded bad. I didn't want to go over there as a failure.

Chaos please help, I pray. I open my eyes and I'm sitting in the darkness.

"I'll always help Percy," Chaos says.

I breath a sigh if relief, "Thank you."

"So, you need a way to weaken a god to almost death," Chaos says, I nod. "You must fight, all together, the seven, to weaken him. Then you just use my sword to almost kill him. But you must hit him in the right place."

"Yes," I say.

"On the back, near the left shoulder," Chaos said as he pulled out his sword.

"Why?" I asked.

"He was once wounded there," Chaos explained. "Here take the sword and do well my soldier."

"Of course," I said and blinked again and was back in camp half-blood.

I looked down at the sword and ran to the battle field. I looked around and saw that the other seven were talking in a circle. I made my way over to them.

"Hey," I said.

"What is it?" Piper asked after she hugged me.

"I have a plan."

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now