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I gabbed my sword as the barriers broke. The Conch sounded again, to call all the other campers who hadn't come in hte first place.

A bunch of monsters came up on me, I didn't know what the heck they were and anyway did it really matter, they were attacking Camp Half-Blood, my home, so I just attacked.

The monsters were easy, at least most of them were, they were reduced to dust quickly. I slashed and hacked at hellhounds, dracaena, monsters that looked like ghosts that had these weird things about them, like a sword for a hand, two heads, and a tail.

But then there were the kids from Camp Jupiter, that were my friends. I couldn't kill them so I knocked them out. As more of them came at me my sword arm became heavier and sore from using it.

"Jason," someone gasped from next to me.

I glanced to the side and saw Piper fighting with her sword, breathing heavily.

"How are you holding up?" I asked as I cut another monster in half.

"Good," she said with a determined look in her eyes as a new opponent came up to her. "You?"

"I'm okay," I lied, which was pretty useless since she could totally tell when I was lying.

"What's wrong?"

I knocked a roman soldier out, "these used to be my friends, well some of them at least, and I have to fight them," I said. "And I'm tired." I added.

"You have been working over time," she said. "Some of us have already taken breaks, you should too."

"But," I said, but she interrupted.

"the world won't end in the five minutes you take to drink and eat something," she said and took out another monster.

"Fine," I said and ran off the battle field to the infirmary.

When I got there I was overwhelmed by his many people were already injured. I had a small cut on my leg and I was going to get some ambrosia, but now that I saw everybody there, I decided they needed it more than me.

"Jason, how's it going?" Said Will Solace, who was working on a patient.

"I'm fine, just hungry," I lied as I watched Will wrap up a campers leg that looked like an arrow pierced it.

"Oh," he said, as he finished wrapping it. "good." He moved on to his next patient. "Do you mind grabbing that ice pack over on the table?"

"No," I said, I walked over and grabbed the ice pack and came back, over to the patient and that's when I noticed the purple shirt. "Your healing people from Camp Jupiter?"

"Yeah," he said, I could not believe what I was hearing.

"But they tried to kill us," I said, as I handed over the ice pack.

"Yeah, but we don't want to let them die," he said then rested the ice pack on the guys bruised head. "Oh, by the way, Chiron was looking for you."

I nodded at him, but still couldn't believe that they were using perfectly good supplies to heal am enemy. That's when I stopped my self, I used to be one of them and they were friends, not enemies. I turned on my own kind quickly. That scared me, would I turn on anyone who tried to stop me from protecting what I loved, or what I wanted? I shook my head, I couldn't think like that.

I walked up the big house steps, hopefully Chiron was there, I didn't want to look all over the battle field.

"Chiron? You in there?" I yelled into the big house.

"Oh," Chiron answered. "Jason, I'm in my study."

I walked through the big house to Chiron's study. When I walked in I noticed that Rachel was there too.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

Chiron, in his wheel chair motioned for Rachel,to explain, "I had a vision of a portal from where the monsters are coming from, it's in the woods out side the boarder of camp, if we find a way to destroy it, the monsters won't keep coming."

"So how do we destroy it?" I asked her.

"Well, in my vision, it said you won't destroy it," she said and then looked at me.

"Wait, so we are going to fail," I said not really wanting to go on this mission.

"No, it gets destroyed, but not by you, but you need to be there," she said.

"Me?" I asked. "Like me specifically?"

"No not real-" Rachel gasped and put her hand up to her head. "Ow," I looked at her expectantly. "I had another vision, I said a 9 year old girl."

"Rachel, you should come with me," I said. "Your having more visions and you could give us helpful information."

She nodded, "but we would need someone else to protect me."

"How about Clarisse?" Chiron offered.

"Sure," I answered, likening the plan. "But we need to find her on the battle field, C'mon."

I ran out of big house with Rachel following me. I looked out over the battle field, searching for Clarisse. I finally spotted her electric spear sparkling as it electrocuted another victim.

"Over there," I said and then headed back into the bunches of people and monsters all fighting.

I got passed people quickly, but Rachel was struggling. I had my sword out just incase someone attacked.

"Rachel, hurry up," I said.

I just wanted this war to end, and closing that portal might end it quickly and before it did any real damage. Rachel stumbled through the crowd, looking lost.

"I had another vision," she said, clutching her head."Octavian was there," suddenly her eyes widened. "Jason! Look out!"

It was to late I was tossed aside and hit the ground with a thump. I looked up to see he pushed me, it was Ben. A kid who had bullied me before I became praetor.

"Jason, how nice to see you here," he said as he slowly walked over to me.

"Nice to see you too Ben," I quickly recovered and stood up, holding out my sword.

"You are a disgrace, you left Camp Jupiter for these Greeks, you fight against your own kind, who raised you. You are not worthy to be a praetor. It should have been me, I was a better fighter, leader, person, I would never betray new Rome for these sorry excuses for demigods," Ben said with venom in his voice.

"I would really love to stay and chat, but I need to go kill some monsters," I said, but then yelped when he brought his sword down on me, I quickly side stepped though.

He growled and then attacked again. It went on like that for a while, he would try to attack, but I would duck or move out of the way. I tried to find an opening, be jade I need to find the portal and end this.

I stuck out my sword when I thought I could disarm him, but to my horror he ended up disarming me. I tried to back up as my sword clattered to the ground away form me, but he pushed me to the ground.

"Is that all you got you puny demigod, you were no match, nothing compared to me, I conquered the great Jason Grace," he said and raised his sword to stab me, but then he fell like a sack of potatoes, behind him was Rachel holding up my sword, she must have knocked him out.

"Good job," I said and stood up, she nodded. "But we need to get to Clarisse."

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