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As the hellhounds surrounded us I grabbed my bow and put an arrow in it, getting ready to shot if necessary, which probably would be necessary.

I watched as everyone else got into there fighting positions and pulled out their weapons. We stood back to back, as the hellhounds growled and looked at us, as if not sure wether they should attack yet.

"What are they doing?" Percy voiced what I had been thing.

Annabeth just shook her head, "I think I might know," Artemis said, she had transformed into a little girl again, but Frank didn't know exactly why, just that it had something to do with Percy.

"Well," I said, then a hellhound growled at me so I yelped.

"Very manly," Percy said jokingly.

"I think they are waiting for their pack leader to come and tell them to attack or not," Artemis explained as she surveyed the pack.

"So, should we attack before he gets here?" Percy asked, eyeing one of the hellhounds.

"No," Annabeth said. "These are a special kind of hellhound that I thought were just myths, if we attack, not all of us will make it out alive, but if we wait we may have a chance to make them let us live."

"I'm not very persuasive," I said to them.

"Well do you have a better plan," Artemis snapped at me, not literally.

"Sorry," I said and backed away from her ferocious glare, Percy must have done something to make her mad, very mad.

"As much as I like hearing you fight, be quiet," said a voice in the darkness.

I jumped and faced the hellhounds again, looking left and right trying to find the speaker I the darkness.

"Who is it?" Annabeth asked in her no nonsense voice. "Are you the leader of the pack?"

"Smart, very smart," it said. "Point for you, but rude, well you are beginners."

"What?" Percy asked, the look on his face made it clear how confused he was, I was confused too.

"You get points, or lose points on what you say or do," said the female sounding voice.

"Wait, another quiz," Annabeth said. "I've had enough of those lately."

I wasn't exactly sure what she was talking about, but I would fail this quiz anyway, so I just nodded my head in agreement.

"No,you must defeat my hellhounds, one on ones, and if you lose you will get eaten, but if you win you can kill the hellhound and you may leave in peace," the voice said. "One of you will not fight anything and their life depends on how many points you get."

"Okay," Percy said. "Who's the one not fighting?"

"For asking that question, you are," she said.

I couldn't believe it, Percy was our best fighter and he didn't even get to fight. I struggled to hold down the fear.

Then the voice started to bark and three hellhounds came forward. The biggest one stood in front of me, my eyes widened at the size of him, he was at least five feet long.

"Me, fight him?" I asked. "With a bow?"

"You'll do fine," Percy reassured me. "Just use your gift."

I nodded and tried to think of an animal to use. Elephant, to big, a dog, to small, a bear, just right. Gods, I feel liked goldilocks.

"Are you all ready?" Said the voice.

"Are you sure we can't do something else?" Annabeth asked as she stared up at her hellhound, it was the smallest, bug it was still large.

"Scared, subtract one point, your down to zero."

"That you Annabeth."

"No problem, Percy."

"And begin," she yelled.

I was ready, I quickly turned into a bear. I now stood eye to eye with the hellhound. I roared at it and it baked up a bit, but then it barked at me. I raised my claws and brought them down onto the hellhound. It yelped, but didn't disintegrate.

When it recovered it opened its mouth and bit at me. I stumbled back trying to stay away from the teeth, but they finally closed in on me and a I yelled as pain flooded through me. I moved my hands around, trying to claw the face away from me. I pushed and scraped until he finally let go.

I gasped and breathed heavily, blood was pouring out of the wound, but it didn't look like poison. I glanced over to the hellhound and saw that he too was wounded pretty badly, but then I realized he was getting bigger. I looked down at myself and saw that I looked like a regular person. Why does this have to happen to me? Well I guess I'm back to my bow.

I look around and spot it to the right if me. I quickly run over and grab it. I look up to see if the others are done, right when I do Annabeth gives hers the final blow and it looks like Artemis has been done for ages. I look at my hellhound and groan, he isn't anywhere near being defeated.

"Hey! Doggy," I said as I approached him.

He growled and I drew an arrow and pointed at him and shot. It sailed through the air and hit him in the foot, he stumbled back, not expecting the attack. He glares at me and starts to charge, not very fast, because of his injury.

I quickly get more arrows ready and shoot him in the other foot, the heart, the head. Nothing seems to be working. I'm running out if arrows quickly. When my fingers wrap around the last arrow, I feel fear shoot through me. I aim he arrow at him eye and close mine and let the arrow fly.

When I open my eyes again, the hellhound is in front of me, an arrow sticking out of his eyes. I smile as he slowly crumbles to dust.

"Go Frank!" Percy, Annabeth, and Artemis yell.

"Good job heroes," said the voice. "I will leave you be."

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now