Chapter 20 - Hidden Talent

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"You know I love you," she said.

"And I, you," he replied.

"But..." she trailed off with a sigh. "I fear that we cannot do this for much longer."

"What?" he asked her, shocked.

"There's too much at stake," she said.

"Am I not worthy?" he asked her shakily, unable to keep his voice steady.

"Of course, my dear, but –"

"I AM A GOD!" he roared. 

She took a few steps back, her breathing becoming quicker. 

"Am I not good enough for you?!" he demanded, following her.

Suddenly, Allegra burst out laughing, unable to maintain a serious face.

"Sorry, was that too much?" Tom laughed, grasping her forearm to support her as she laughed. "Did I startle you?"

"I wasn't expecting it, that's all," she giggled, wiping tears away from her eyes.

Tom stood in front of her in full-costume and makeup, admiring her as she calmed down.

"You know, you're very good at acting," he told her.

"Oh, please, I only did drama in school," she laughed again, waving her hands at him to dismiss his comment.

"That's an achievement," he said.

"It wasn't a choice," she grinned.

Joe Russo walked over to them with his own copy of the script in his hand, concentration painted on his face.

"Tom, ready to start filming 'Loki'?" he asked.

"Yes," Tom nodded with a confident smile.

He kissed Allegra on the forehead, his shoulder-length black hair brushing her cheeks as the breeze from the wind turbines on set caught him, and she was met with his chest dressed perfectly in his black leather costume, his green cloak flowing majestically behind him.

Tom jogged to catch up to Joe as they walked onto the set, Chris dressed in his Thor costume chatting to Tom Holland who was dressed as Spiderman without the mask on.

"I was just reading through one of the later sections with Allie," Tom said quietly to Joe as they walked. "She's a really good actress."

"Really?" Joe asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tom nodded in response as they both came to a stop, Joe's brain storing the information.

"Good to know," he nodded. "Positions please."

Tom ran over to his marker beside Chris in front of the green-screen, Thor and Loki beside each other once more, and Tom Holland jogged off the set to sit on a stool beside Robert Downey Jr.

"And... Action," Joe announced.

"LOKI!" Thor roared, the wind turbines growing stronger and making their voices quieter.

Suddenly the strong wind stopped and grew to a calm breeze as the camera cut to Tom in full Loki-costume, a grin on his face.

"Brother..." he said wickedly. "Always a pleasure."

"I told you not to come," Thor said desperately, panting.

"And when have I ever listened to you?" Loki smiled.

Spiderman ran up behind Thor with a panicked expression.

"Thor, Nat – Oh, um..." he said when he saw Loki.

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