Full Frontal

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Alex: That's the story?

You: Yeah

Alex: So the student has become the master

Jack: Uh- wait guys, the green button is back on

Alex: Oh, that was Sleeping with Sirens and a little bit of our conversations

Jack: You f*cktard, not watching the green button

You: Hey it's catching on

Alex: But dick fucker isn't?

Jack: Why would it?

Alex: Hey, (y/n) do your parents know you're on this show

Jack: Her mom and my mom have no idea what wifi is

You: No, remember they learned how to text and they only texted each other?

Alex: My mom is like, there's this thing called an emoticon!

You: I think most kids listen to this with earbuds on

Alex: For those who are playing it out loud


Alex: I was going to say good luck

You: That works too. All the kids are now running for their fucking earphones aren't they?

Jack: Proabably. Just like, oh shit! Ma, I swear. That wasn't supposed to happen, I swear.

Alex: Hey, we're going to give you advice and answer your questions!

Jack: (Y/n) this is for you! What's it like hanging with Jack and Alex and the rest of All Time Low

You: The rest of ATL have fucking names. Aha. No, it sucks balls man

Jack: With me, literally

Alex: I hope you two pervs never have babies

Jack: Oh I've made babies

You: Just not with me

Alex: Dammit, I will never understand this relationship

You: That's becasue you watch Grey's Anatomy with your girlfriend and then cook dinner for her after

Alex: What do you two do?

You: Besides fuck?

Jack: Nothing really

You: No, we pop popcorn and watch chick flicks

Jack: On special occassions we order pizza

You: We mess with people on x-box.

Jack: Yeah, we play video games and eat

Alex: Goddammit, I called her first, but Jack still got her!

You: Wait, what?

Jack: Let's listen to some Panic! At the Disco

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