Chapter 5

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~Before the concert~

Some people get a feeling in their stomach when something doesn't feel right or they have a feeling that something is not going to go well, almost like a pit or knots. That's the feeling goes through me and so many other people daily. However, before a concert that's not normal. I don't like that feeling but it's alive and killing my mood like I'm some bird that can easily be shot out of the air. Niall is no where to be found and at this moment I feel like he's going to be the result of the "bad feeling" pit in my stomach. I hate it but I can't do anything but shake it off and act as if I'm, well at the moment, barely alive.


Concerts half way through and Niall looks worse. So much worse that it's scaring Harry and I. Harry's subtle at his glances at him but I'm starting to get frantically worried about Niall. This isn't good. Zayn announces the twitter questions and it seems like Niall just wants to hide away and never come back.

"What is the biggest thing you regret in your life?" Zayn call out for the last question and something makes me look over to Niall. He's so white you probably could put him into some snow and no one would noti- wait no. This isn't good. He's collapsing to the ground.

"Niall!" I cry out loudly and run to him. I catch him just before he hits the stage floor and pale some. He's clammy and passed out. Paul jumps onto the stage and I catch Niall before he hits the stage floor.

"Liam do you know what's going on?" Paul your quietly asks me after looking over Niall a little bit. I shake my head. The panic running through my body causing me not able to speak and Paul looks up and the rest of the boys, holding Niall in his arms.

"Finish the questions and then tell the crowd you're taking a break. Tell them everything's fine and not to worry." Harry nods and quickly announces to the fans what's going on. Something green catches my eye in Niall's pocket and I slyly grab his phone, pushing it deep into my pocket. The rest of that answer was not the normal One Direction twitter questions.

~Back stage~

The four of us conscious boys are sitting quietly on the couch in the dressing room, fear and worry gnawing at our brains. I pulled out Niall's phone and unlocked the screen. Tears pricked my eyelids looking at what popped up on the screen from his twitter app. Harry looked over at me and I showed him Niall's phone. The hate was unbearable just for us to read, but for Niall? As emotionally unstable he is this is life shattering. No wonder he was out of it.

Paul walks into the room with a grim look on his face.

"Paul is everything okay?" Louis first breaks the silence. Paul sees Niall's phone and I hand it to him. Everyone's head is down because we know what's on the screen. They've all seen it. Paul curses under his breathe and hands me the phone back.

"No. It's not looking good at all actually. The paramedics took him to the hospital to pump his stomach." I silence could reign more in the room then it would, however even a cry of a dying germ could be heard in the room. I looked down at my hands, tears crowding my eyes even more. We all know what he means. Paul speaks up again this time softly. "If you guys want to go back onstage you can. I won't blame you if you don't want to." I barely seem like a sound when I speak up.

"Can we say anything we want to?" Paul looks up at me and his eyes are filled with anger and hurt.

"This time and this time only. Yes." He says quietly before he leaves the room.

"Why did you ask that?" Zayn looks over at me curious even though he's been crying. I stand up slowly.

"They need to learn what they're doing hurts." I speak with anger laced throughout my words. The boys nod standing up and I look down at the phone in my hand. I'm holding onto the pain inside so I can be strong for my best friend.

The four of start walking to the stage, thoughts running through our heads. I lean up against a wall, tears streaming down my face. I can't go out there. Not this time. I need to be with Niall. Harry wraps his arms around my and pulls me to his chest as I sob silently. We know now were not going out there. Not when we need our fifth band mate. Zayn and Louis walk out to the cars with Harry and I in tow. No one speaks. Not a word.


We've been here for two hours. Niall's still alive but his in critical condition. It's not looking brightly. The bands been given a break till Niall gets better. That seems to be the only thing at the moment that is good. Zayn, Harry and Louis are all asleep. I'm still awake, worry crawling through my veins. As long as the young man I have grown to like more than a friend is still alive then so am I. If not, my heart would be broken even more. All we can do is wait.


Sorry this is short. If you haven't noticed. Miranda is doing Niall's point of view and I, Ally, am doing Liam's point of view.

I hope you guys love this.


Please from the bottom of my heart.


Ally <3

P.S. Miranda edited some of this chapter.

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