Chapter 6

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A week later---

A loud beeping noise fills my ears and I open my eyes, almost screaming at the bright light before me. It takes a while for me to adjust, and then I can finally see where I am.

Great. I fucking failed again.

The white walls of the hospital room are glaring at me, almost in a mocking way because, well, I'm not dead.

I've been here too many god damn times, and I can tell there will be many more in the future.

What startles me is when I look over to my right and see Liam curled up asleep in the vistor's chair, with dried tear marks on his cheeks.

He shouldn't be here...

Suddenly I let out of a cough, my chest tightening ever so slightly, causing Liam to jerk awake and look at me, a small smile breaking onto his face. "Niall! You're awake!" he exclaimed and stood up wrapping his arms around me.

I buried my face into his neck, biting my lip hard. I cannot cry right now, as much as I want to, I can't. "I am, yeah," I answer with a shaky laugh, coughing again.

Liam let's go after a while, pressing the call button so a Nurse comes rushing in, seeing I'm awake. She smiles softly at me and then goes and calls the doctor.

Before long, a familiar doctor walks through the door with a grim expression on his face. God, I know what that usually means...

"Niall," he greets me and I just nod in aknowledgement. I look over at Liam who is just exiting the room, mouthing to me "I'm calling the boys."

Once he closes the door, the doctor begins talking again. "How are you feeling today?"

"Like utter shit, if I'm honest."

He nodded. "Well, you were out for a week Niall...and I have some bad news." I sighed quietly.

"As if I couldn't tell that already," I answered, with no emotion in my voice.

"Niall, you do realise your cancer is getting worse right?" I nod again and he continues, "Well...since the last time you came, it's evidently beginning to take a toll over your body."

As if I hadn't noticed. I have to go through hell every fucking day to stay alive, but I don't say that. "Yeah, I can tell."

"Well, there is still the option of more treatment Niall..."

"No! No way am I having any treatment again for it! It never fucking works!" I yell, slightly exasperated.

The doctor just nods. "Well, all I can do is give you more medication...and Niall, just be aware that it really is bad, and really, time wise, you have about a year."

I sigh to myself. One year. I have about a year left to live.

One year left with being a member of One Direction.

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