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A day like no other, two unique and opposite kinds of people met.

That woman is one of the most beautiful, fierce, short-tempered, understanding, bravest persom, He have ever met.

That man is the one of the kindest, passionate, gentle, intelligent person, She have ever met.

"He's a Weird one".

"She is one Unique person".

Two different, but very similar meanings of those two words.

Like any love story.They went through a lot of complications, headaches, heartaches, arguments, tears, laughters, heart-pounding, make-ups, kisses, longing stares.

To get them here right now.

Infront of the priest, Saying those vows, Slipping the rings, Sealing the marriage, Flying off to their honeymoon, Moving into the new house, Going out for their anniversary.

Screaming in happiness of the two bars on the pregnancy test, Getting weekly check-ups/ultrasounds, Celebrating their upcoming daughter and son, Letting tears falls when they find out.

Making desicions to make sure that the children sees their future, Saying their goodbyes, And Giving Her Last Breath.


The sound of long-almost-like-never-ending beep, muffled heartbreaking whimpers, and high-pitches cries of Newborns echoed down the whole floor.

The Nurse took the Newborn Twins from their Father to clean them up.

When the Nurse is finished, she put the Twins on each beside cradle.

The Father asked and told the Doctor to lead him to his Children.

The Doctor, feeling proud of the Brave Red-puffed-eyed Father, did.

When the Father look up, He didn't expect two babies that are exactly the same alike.

The Father place his head and hand on top of the glass, seperating him from his children and smile.Hoping and Wishing,

As if the two babies know that their Father is above them their tiny eyelids start opening, showing Two pair of Violet Orbs.

The Father was happy and confuse before asking "Doctor......Why are my children's eye color are violet".

The Doctor beside him, look up then glance at the Newborns and said "Ohhh...well the genes of you and your wife's eye color mixed and produce that color Sir ".

The Father give the doctor a blank look "Couldn't you give a more scientific explanation, doctor? ".

Doctor only smiled and left.

"Congratulations Sir! Your Newborn Children are born at the same time, so none of them are older than the other. The genders of the children are a female and a male. Do you already have two names inside your mind Sir? " The Nurse from earlier ask with a clip board.

The Father hum for a minute then smiled and said

"Chiyo Okami for my daughter and Jake Okami for my son ". (Pronouce as Chi-o and J-A-ke)

3rd Pov

"Ohhh.....So that's how we are born, right Daddy?"4 year old Chiyo asks, from the right side of their Father.

Devil's Twins ( Prince of Tennis )Where stories live. Discover now