National Junior High Tennis Tournament

787 23 6

At the Mendoza's Residence

Kc's Pov


Comin' out your mouth with your blah,blah!!

Zip your lips like a padlock~

And meet me in the-

"This better be good"I growl at the person on the other end of the line for waking me up.

"Other than that, Where the heck are you?" I hear my twin brother's voice.

"I'm hanging up" I state, not getting up from my bed.

"Well you can do that but you are gonna miss the National Junior Tournament?!?!" Jake add quickly.

I sit up sleepy, rubbing my eyes"What the hell are you saying? The team assemble is 10 o'clock and its like-" I turn to my drawer to look at my clock.

"Its like 9:56 only" I said, not progressing what i said about the time.

"Be careful" Jake hanged up after warning me.

'Be careful? Its only 9:56 and the assemble is 10, why would he.........oh sh*t'.

My head and body quickly bolt up.

"I'm f*cking late!!!".


"Why am I not surprise that you're late as well" I said at the prince beside me, as we both step out of the train.

"I forgot to set my alarm clock" He mutter, pocketing his phone after a phone call with Oishi.

I sigh "Same, but my alarm clock thinks that I should slept longer since I look so peaceful" I grumble.

Ryoma just nod and we start running towards the direction of the tournament.

'I better not get disqualified, or Jake is going to taste his own medicine'.

Meanwhile at the Tournament

"Seems like Ryoma helped a pregnant woman who was in labor get to the hospital" Oishi explain.

"That's a lie, right?" Momoshiro state.

The trio nod "Yeah".

Ryuzaki sigh and turn to Jake asking the same about Kc.

"She crosses with a black cat so she took the long path" Jake chuckle nervously.


"Both are 100% lies" Kaidoh said.

"Well if we wait for both of them, we won't meet the deadline" Ryuzaku announces.

"Both of them will get the their scolding later, Although we need to register somehow" Ryuzaki add walking towards Horio and Tomoka holding a plain white cap and a wig of long black hair from Jake.

When Ryuzaki stop at them she turn to Kaidoh and Jake "Kaidoh! Jake!, lend them your jacket!".

"Ehhh!" Both Horio and Tomoka exclaim.


"Number 128, Seigaku. Please register the ten of us" Tezuka said politely yet emotion less.

The guy take the application with a smile and says" I will confirm your position".

"You will play 5 times a row".

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