Jin x reader

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You and Jin have been dating for a while now, and he invited you over to his place for supper (or dinner if that's what you say). It was usually a little fancy when you had supper together, but not to fancy. (There's a pic of your dress at the top)
   My phone buzzes beside me as I type the last of my report for work. I pick it up, and my heart flutters when I see its from Jin.
Jin😻😘💋~ Hey (Y/N)! Do you want to come have dinner with me tonight?
  My mind immediately goes to what I should wear. Maybe my gray dress?
Me~ Sure! What time?
Jin~ How about 6:30 at my place?
Me~ Ok! See you in a bit! 😘
Jin~ 😘 Ok! Make sure to wear something warm. It's chilly out!
Me~ I will!
  I glance at the time. It's 4:30, so I have about an out and 15 minutes before I gotta get ready. I'm usually not really nervous when I have dinner with Jin, and I don't know why I am now.
I plop down on the couch and turn on my favorite anime on the tv. I try to focus on the episode, but my mind keeps drifting to thought of Jin. About half way through the episode, I give up trying to watch it y and grab my phone.
Dialing my best friend's number, I put the phone to my ear.
"Hi, (Y/N)!" Taehyung yells into the phone excitedly.
"Hey, Tae," I say.
"What's up?" He says.
"Well.. Jin asked me to come over and have dinner with him, and it's not anything new... but I'm just really nervous for some reason," I say, feeling a bit embarrassed, even though Tae is my best friend.
He chuckles before speaking.
"(Y/N), don't be nervous. Jin loves you, and I'm sure he has something very special planned like he always does. Ah, I'm jealous. Jin is an amazing cook," he says, dragging out the last part.
"Yeah, you're right," I say, feeling a little better.
"Ya! (Y/N)! Hobi took my ramen!" He yells while Hobi laughs in the background.
We talk nonstop until it's finally time to get ready.
"I gotta go get ready. Talk to you later, Tae!" I say, now feeling exited.
"Bye, (Y/N)!" He says.
I hang up, turn the TV off, and head to my room to find my dress. I open my closet door and pull out my gray sweater dress, black tights, black boots, and my scarf. (See pic above)
I brush my teeth, do my makeup, and slip my clothes on. It's now 6:15, and I grab my pocket book and phone and head out the door, locking it behind me.
He doesn't live that far, so I decide to walk to his house. Surprisingly, I get there with no problem, because normally tons of people would be swarming the streets, but there weren't that many this evening.
I trot up the steps and knock on the door, straightening my dress before he opens it. Like nearly every time, my jaw gdrops to the floor.
Jin is standing there in his nice white dress shirt tucked in his black suit pants, hair perfectly styled, and a smile across his face.
  "Hey, (Y/N. Come in," he says and moves to the side as I walk in. I slip my boots and scarf and leave them on the mat and hanging on the coat rack. The usual aroma of vanilla filled the house, but as we neared the dining room, a wonderful smell filled my nostrils.
Upon entering the room, my eyes are met with a candlelit dinner of a really fancy looking pasta.(just picture fancy food if you don't like pasta.)
Rose petals littered the table and the white candles dripped wax into the holder. It was absolutely beautiful. It's usually not quite like this, though. Usually there aren't any rose petals, or even some thing this fancy.
Once again, my jaw hit the floor as I took in the beautiful sight.
  "Jin...how did....when..wow," I stutter. He flashes his million dollar smile and chuckles.
  "Hehe. Did I do ok, (Y/N)?" He asks.
  "Ok? This looks like something from a movie! And the food? It smells amazing!" I say with a satisfied tone and a tinge of excitement.
  "Thank you. Shall we?" He says extravagantly, motioning to the table.
  I eagerly nod in agreement and we take our seats. Sitting my purse of the floor, I let out a content sigh and look at Jin.
  Quickly saying grace, we pick up our forks and take a bite.
  Flavor explodes in my mouth as I chew the pasta, savoring every last bit of it. My face must have shown it, because Jin noticed how in awe I was that the food was this good.
  "Is it good, (Y/N)?" He says. Something was different about his voice though... it had a tinge if what sounded like a little bit of nervousness in it.
  "Very. How do you do this? Heck, I can barely fry an egg," I say, chuckling at the end.
  "Don't worry. I'll teach you," he says.
  Over the next hour, we laughs and talk about random things, but I like it. I like having someone who I can joke around with at times, but be serious when he needs to be.
  A sudden ring startles is both, before I realize it was my phone. I look at Jin, and he motions for me to take the call, so I give him a quick smile and grab my phone out of my pocket book before trudging into the foyer.
Incoming call from "TaeTae😝😂😜"
  I swipe the screen and put it to my ear.
  "Tae, I was in the middle of talking to Jin. What do you need?" I say, kind of irritated but in a loving way, if that makes any sense.
  "(Y/N)! I need your help!" He says frantically. My stomach drops and my mind immediately thinks the worst.
Is he hurt?
Are the boys ok?
  "What's wrong?" I say, trying to sound calm.
  "Put on your shoes, (Y/N)! Now! I need you!" He says, almost like he's having a panic attack.
  "Ok, Tae, ok. What's going on? Are you ok is anyone hurt? Where are you?" I say, some panic also cracking in my voice as I slip on my boots and go to reach for the door knob.
  "(Y/N)! Whatever you do, don't go out the front door! Go out the back!" He practically yells into the phone.
  "It's ok, Tae I'm coming! Now where are you!?" I say as I go flying through Jin's house towards the back door.
  The line is silent.
  "Tae?! Tae! Are you ok?!" I yell before busting through the door and stopping dead in my tracks.
  Jin's backyard was beautifully strung with lights and he's standing in the middle of a rose petal heart in the middle of the yard.
  Soft music plays as I notice the boys on either side of the yard, Yoongi playing a piano in the corner.
  Tae is among the boys, and I slip a quick glare at him for scaring me like that before looking at Jin and the breathtaking sight around me.
  Jin holds out an outstretched hand and wear the the biggest smile, but also the most nervous one.
  A smile take over my own face and I step towards Jin. I step over the rose petals and meet him in the middle of the heart and he takes my hand in his.
  Our eyes meet and I almost instantly get lost in his chocolate brown eyes. They are filled with so much emotion. Joy, passion, but also fear.
  "(Y/N), I have never met someone like you. You are always there for me. You always know how to cheer me up when I'm down, and most of all, you love me and accept me for who I am," he pauses and brings the back of my hand to his lips and plants a kiss,"That's why I love you, (Y/N)."
  And with that, he releases my hand and bends down on one knee, pulling a small black box out of his pocket.
  Words cannot describe the emotions that course through my body. Excitement. Happiness. Shock. Wow.
  He pops the box open and speaks.
  "(Y/n) (L/N), will you take this ring as a symbol of my love and make me the happiest man in the world and join me in marriage?" He asks, a dark blush crawling across his face as his hands trembled slightly.
  "Yes, Kim Seokjin. I will marry you," I say, tears spilling out of my eyes as I cover my mouth with one hand as he slides the ring on my finger.
  He stands up and pulls me into a tight hug, Tears still spilled out of my eyes and soaked into the fabric of his shirt as I buried my face into his chest.
  A wonderful sound fills my ears as the boys start to sing "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran (its an amazing song look it up if you don't know it)
  Jin pulls back and takes my hand in his and starts to sing.
3rd person P.O.V.
  The boys lowered it down to humming the beat of the song as Jin sang beautifully and danced with (Y/N).
As the song neared the end, (Y/N) once again got lost in his beautiful dark colored eyes.
  Our lips brush together and he snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him. I run my hand through his silky brown hair before pulling away and resting my head on his chest.
  Yoongi plays countless songs on the piano as the boys sing their hearts out and Jin and I dance the night away.
A/N~ I'm so sorry for not updating. I was on vacation and I just got back home plus I had really bad writers block and it's the middle of the night here right now.
Thank you for reading! See you next time!!

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