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A quick note well kinda quick: I'M SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ACTIVE. I actually haven't visted wattpad for a while and honestly there is no excuse. I just have a lil bit going on. If you want to know then I'll tell ya at the end of this chapter

Your POV 

"KITTY THIS ISNT FUNNY YOU KNOW!" I yelled banging on the rusty iron bars. "I find it terribly funny." Kitty stated emerging from the shadows. "I'm feeling rather nice though. Here." She said handing me a small pizza through the bars. "This won't  keep me full!" I said. "Codswallop." She said. "What the heck does that mean." "You American child" (sorry if your not American but you are in this story xD) "it means nonsense. If you want more food I'll get you some chips." "Yes!" I said gleefully. As she walked down the stairs I heard the rustling of the packet. She then handed me... French fries? "You said chips!" I said. "Those are chips! Oh your American" she laughed. "We call chips crisps and French fries chips" she smiled then walked away. After she left I heard drilling in the roof of my cell. "What's going on down here?" Kitty said. Then Ryan fell through the ceiling. "OH MY LORD!" Kitty exclaimed as I jumped out of the way. Kitty then smiled warmly and unlocked the cage. "Wha?" I said. She walked me upstairs to the couch (COUGH COUGH SOFA COUGH) and made me sit. "Let us get to the real reason you were locked down there." Ryan said. "Because..."

Now ending that note: the summer term ended about a week ago and all my friends are going to a different high school to me I know no one there. So it's been a bit stressful but I still have had windows of time where I could easily come on here so I can't say that's an excuse but please don't be too horrid but I  can deal with a bit of annoyance from you guys because I understand again I apologise

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