Movie Theater

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hello hope you like this one shot I think it's a cute idea

sorry it's been so long


Sam Golbach loves the movies. He goes to the theater at least once a week, always on the lookout for the best new films. It may be somewhat childish, but he just adores the excitement of adventure movies, the humor of comedy, and especially the emotion of romance.

He also is enamored with the atmosphere of the cinema. It's like a place where he can completely escape from his life for a couple hours, caught up in a dazzling fantasy world. Plus, there's the best snacks to enjoy during the whole experience.

Sam has an addiction to the theater, no doubt. And maybe one of its newest employees.


Colby Brock is working his first weekend at the movie theater. His parents warned him about dropping out of college to pursue his dreams of becoming a YouTuber, and he should have heeded their advice. Now he's stuck with a crummy side job where he barely makes enough to pay his rent and buy groceries.

It's also one of the most unsanitary places he can think of, which definitely doesn't help his anxiety.

He sighs as he dons his uniform, a cheap t-shirt and ball cap with the company's logo slapped across the front. He trudges out of his bedroom to the kitchen, where his roommate Jake is sat eating a bagel while on his phone. He looks up as Colby walks in, and shoots him a tired grin.

"Somebody's up early," he comments. Colby just groans and pries open the fridge door, looking for something fast to eat. He spots a cup of yogurt, and grabs it off the nearly empty shelf. He then turns to the fruit bowl sitting on the counter and breaks a banana off from the bunch.

"Well good morning to you too," Jake says.

"Can't talk. Gotta go to work," Colby replies sleepily.

"Ah. Well, have a good day. Don't screw things up," Jake chuckles.

Colby gives him a little grin and waves as he walks out the door, breakfast and car keys in hand.

On his way to work, he thinks about his past few days at the theater. It's been pretty simple so far, nothing to horrible or out of the ordinary has happened to him yet. But it's bound to soon.

When he walks inside, he's immediately hit with the strong odor of buttered popcorn and sweat. He sighs and heads towards the staff room, where he plans to eat his food in peace. Which he does, that is, until Katrina walks in.

"Hi Colby!" She exclaims.

Colby waves his hand and nods in response, mouth full of banana.

"Guess what? Oh my gosh, I met this awesome guy yesterday, and he's sooo sweet and kind! He has gorgeous brown hair, super toned, perfect smile-"

"Uh huh," Colby says, already looking for a way out.

"Anyway, I got his number and it turns out he's gay. I should totally set you up with him, I'm sure you'd literally be perfect for each other!"

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